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Please delete what remains of my account


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"I came here for technical and artistic help and fellowship but ended up feeling ignored and abandoned. Not much help found here beyond the few times when someone answered a direct question."


I guess you didn't realize there was more here on photo.net than just the ratings/critiquing.


I see many people getting a lot of techinical and artistic help here very day.


Direct questions are easy to answer.

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Couple of questions spring to mind:


Do you always bail out when things arent going your way?

Why do you feel the need to highlight it here? (making sure the little boi rant gets read are we?)


Otherwise -what Tom says - sadly, I think youve missed the beef Kent®

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You can delete it yourself, on the right-hand side of your workspace. But like the others here, feeling abandoned is not a good enough reason in my mind to unsubscribe. All you need to do is participate in more forums and you should find that you will have lots of 'friends', comments, responses etc. I'd be willing to bet that your feeling of 'abandonment' is your own doing, not Pnet's.


However, if you're leaving because you have lost all interest in the site and participating within it, then the best solution might be to unsubscibe...but that's your decision to make. Good luck, --Matt.

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Photo.net Admin;



Go ahead and delete the rest of his stuff, refund what's left of his 25 bucks and let me know how much it is. I'll be glad to make up the difference via Pay Pal and it'll be a steal! Where else can you get this much technical reference, advise (taken or given), discussion, tricks of the trade, and just plane ol' photo talk for a measley SEVEN CENTS a day?? Most people spend more than that before they finish their first cup of coffee in the morning.




Dean Williams

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Take some time out go on holiday, sleep on it for a month or two, its not that important a thing to get so depressed about.<br>What does the ® stand for retired :)<br>By the way you'll find me in the garden eating worms until someone is nice to me again ...
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Feeling lonely and misunderstood, left on side with life sometimes too hard to be carried. We 're all feel that at a moment or another I guess... I have a good way to cure this... I look at <a href="http://www.photo.net/photodb/folder?folder_id=321333"> those people </a>. They probably helped me more than I could do for them... <p> by the way I am not advertizing my stuff here nor looking for ratings!! :o)
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Nice selection Jacques, but I couldn't find one, I really felt I could relate at a sexual and emontional level, they all seem a little shallow and beauty conscious.<br>I'm need a woman of character, not just stunning beauty. ;)
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There are many advantages to this site. As someone mentioned lots to chew on. Stick around and explore. One unexpected advantage I found was fellow members that live locally, which you can get together with off site and go shooting on a more personal level than just a monitor. An unexpected and enjoyable advantage for sure
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