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Hey, Jennifer C.!

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This is further to the DYI softbox you showed in the weekly lighting

theme thread. I'm showing my version here in order not to hijack that

great thread.


Like yourself, I wanted to build a cheap softbox, and I had a

rectangular design in mind. I followed suggestions I received at this

forum and I ended with a pyramidical unit (which makes light ping-

pong towards the diffuser better.)


It's better to remove your reflector; a barebulb spreads light better

inside the box (I use an OmniBounce to simulate that.) I don't know

how the layered muslin is working for you, but I find tracing paper

to be OK. I first started with one sheet then added another 10cm

apart which helped smoothen the output.


Here's the sketch (apologies for my bad hand writing.) I use it with

a hotshoe flash for headshots and small objects. It's made of

foamcore, assembled with tape, and the inside is covered with

aluminum foil. It's very cheap and lightweight. I mount it on a

flashhead put on cheap tripod. Works great!


I hope this will help you build a better softbox.



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Hey this is great! I want to get a softbox, but right now the $150 is not available, so I was just playing last night after my guys went to bed. Rough start, but I was pretty surprised at the result on the wine bottle.


I saw that ZJ was using tracing paper and that there was still a fairly strong hot spot where the bulb was hitting his bottle, that is why I was trying the muslin...to really smooth that out. I am interested in seeing a shot or two you have done with yours because your design is incredible and makes complete sense.


The other reason I wanted to experiment was because I have two Photek Softlighter II for diffusion purposes, which works great for portraits because I like the round catchlight more than a square in the eyes and they are easy to move and set up. But on the product shots I am doing, they don't work so well. And I need a boom.


Anyway, thanks for the information!! I will have to try this out and let you know how it turns out!


Regards -


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The tracing paper works for me because it transmits light better (a hotshoe flash doesn't offer much output.) I did have a hotspot at first, but it was greatly reduced after I added the second sheet. Isn't the muslin too opaque?


My box is for fun/learning. I'm trying to figure out a way to throw in a modeling light.


Unfortunately, I have my magnum opus on slides (I'm a projection guy) and I don't have a scanner. I'll try to post examples as soon as I can. But between my wife, kids and work............you know!



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Eduard -


Okay, so I duplicated the original tequila shot with the softbox. I shot at f/22 for both, same distance from background and me from them. Background light low with red filter. I didn't meter the light the first time, so I think it is somewhat dark. The only other thing I did different was include the gold reflector disc in the softlighter (because of the amber color of the tequila and the gold labeling).<div>007uVW-17422184.JPG.bdfacf1e86ec74c47557a2d6adbe7668.JPG</div>

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I haven't tried it but I once read online about someone using one of those styrophone coolers to build a softbox. Light, cheap, about the right size and already white inside. Just cut part of the top off, leaving the rim, and attach diffusion material.


Good to keep your limes in too! :)

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