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Rip OFF post on Photo.net


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=) Now I get it, you were being funny! Sorry, I'm just kind of in shock someone would have the audacity to do that, right here, and then post it on the critique forum as well. I mean, Chris practically lives here. This has to be some kind of a joke. (a bad joke)
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No kidding people, huh?! I wanted to ring his neck. I was just wondering if any of his pics were actually his own, or if he just went around the site randomly picking images to call his own. I mean what kind of moxie, is right Ken!


Anyway, cheers to our moderatiors for booting his ass outa here~!

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As James said above Chris, the only difference was that philip jagow shrank the image by about 50 or 100 pixels. After I posted this I went to his folder just for the heck of it, and then I saw the photo of Anna, which I remembered you said you took in a club, and at the time didn't even get her name. If I remember correctly you said something like, "I bet she'd like to see this". I was thinking, this guy has got some nerve. Talk about pathetic. Everything in his folder was probably pilfered. What can be said?
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<P>This is an interesting topic. The best way would be to recognize ripoffs as soon as possible so that we could kick them off Photo.Net as quickly as possible to make it uninteresting to do steal someone elses work. Now, it is not possible for all of us to be as observant as Anthony so I started thinking about automatic ways of trying to find duplicate images. Of course this would not be something as simple as just checking the size or MD5-sum of the file since that is worthless, but it seems like there have been quite some research on the subject. I found <A HREF="http://research.microsoft.com/~venkie/papers/2495.ps">a paper</A> that was interesting to read. They discuss a way to compute robust hash values from an image. This hash function would be able to stand different attacks. If duplicate hash values were detected a moderator could be alterted to verify the two images. Of course this would not be able to detect all abuse. For example if someone used a part of a picture in a collage or manipulated the picture heavily this would not be detected. This is not an easy problem. Anyone else got anything on this?</P>
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Alas other than recognizing the work I can't offer any suggestions for detection.


The most worrying part is why the guy ripped-off the pictures, as I've heard of it happening in order to get models and using the work to show they are "reputable photographers".

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That is something I didn't think of Tony. Could be a scary thought. I'm not sure what all work he had that was stolen in his folders, or if there were others than the images that belonged to Chris. But there were at least 12 to 20 images, all of female models in the one folder I browsed. I believe he had 2 or 3 other folders as well. As Chris suggested to me it's possible he was just some young kid. Who knows.
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