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Important Tripod Safety Instructions (humor)


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This is a scan from the actual instructions I recieved with my

Manfrotto tripod head. I thought this was hilarious, so I figured I'd

share it with all and sundry here.


I tried to post this in the (more appropriate) Camera Equipment

forum, but that forum won't allow an inline image, without which,

this post would be pointless...<div>007ndM-17227484.jpg.638163f6d6d2ded33532dc8efc50641f.jpg</div>

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OK, I have to confess a sin...


A number of years ago, my wife and I were remodeling our kitchen. When we were hanging the upper cabinets, a particular corner cabinet was giving us problems. Liz is a lot smaller than I am and couldn't quite hole the cabinet in place against the wall so I could attach it. I got my Bogen 3036 tripod and used it as a support on one side, Liz on the other, and got the cabinet hung on the wall. The geared center column made all the difference, just crank it up into position...

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Yup, I've used my Bogen 3058 as a jack a couple of times too... just last weekend I had a

closet rod fall, and it took out the shelf bracket for the shelf above it, making the shelf

bow seriously, but not fail. When replacing the bracket it was easier to just jack the heavily

loaded shelf back into place than it was to unload it.

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a little too much contrast and the highlights are a little too blown out for my taste.<br> ooooppps.. wrong forum ;). <p>


I bought a bogen head this month and also found that little picture pretty funny, i hope they didn't use any animals to reach this conclusion :)

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  • 2 years later...
When I first got my Bogen/Manfrotto 117, I set it up on carpet, with the center post all the way down and the legs at about a 60 degree angle. I then out my hands on the center post, padding the center screw with some cardboard, leaned forward and proceeded to lift myself off the carpet. Only stayed up there about five seconds before my arms got a little shaky - but that's another story - tripod now used with an A-S B-1 and it's just fine. PS, I weigh 100 kilos! True story! Mike
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