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How do I get my prints to look better with new Plus-X

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I shot a roll of the new Plus-X to see how it looks. shot it at

125. I developed it in Xtol 1:3 for 5:15 at 75 degrees. This

seemed short, but by the numbers I had for dev times, this is what I

came up with. Well, anyways, the film ended up low in contrast and

underdeveloped. I tried making some prints, but they looked poor

and I didn't want to play arund with it any more than I did. Well,

I guess my question is: How do I up the contrast of the developing?

I also would like to know what the proper dev time is for new Plus-

X. I plan on finding my own, but would like a starting point.

Thanks. Here is a direct scan of the neg.<div>007WCs-16786184.jpg.e58ac145ddb5380368893712a8d8ccd4.jpg</div>

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It's difficult to tell from just one frame but I think that your contrast problem is due to not only underdevelopment, but underexposure as well. Most people shoot Plus-X at ISO 80 thus giving the film about 1/3 stop more. Just out of curiosity, why did you decide to use Xtol?
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I developed in Xtol 1:3 because that is what the school I develop my film at uses. I do have some Ilford chemicals, but I only shoot about 3-4 rolls of black and white a month and usually develop them all at the same time. I feel that mixing up a small batch will be a waste since I wouldn't use it all before it went bad. The instructor that is in charge of the darkroom mixes the chemicals and he mixes it 1:3 just so it will last. I have been using these chems for the last four years. I usually use Tmax 100 but thought I would try the Plus-X. I had a large stash of the old TMax, but that is running out. As long as I need to learn a new film, I thought Plus-X would be a nice match to the Tri-X that I like to use: a little consistancy across the speeds.

Well anyways, thanks for the help.

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I develop lots of TriX and PlusX daily in my darkroom. The combination Xtol and the "classic" TriX/PlusX are still great. But You´ve be very careful about the minimal needed amount of Developer!

To develop 35mm with 36 frames, you´d probably use 300-400ml at 1+3.

Didn´t did so myself in the beginning and got this low contrast too.


To save time, I use 1+1 or 1+2. For my purposes still excellent!

Buy 1 litre yourself. Shelflife of stocksolution is at least hals a year!

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