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Punchy Film for Overcast Days

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Been thinking about experimenting with a saturated and

contrasty transparency film like Velvia for rainy and

overcast days. I'm gonna try some Velvia today ... however,

I seem to recall having heard that V. doesn't scan well. Is

that really the case, and, if so, what are the problems.


Is there another film like Velvia to try ... was thinking

about the Ektachrome E100 saturated version. Any comments

about that film? Maybe too "blue" for such situations and

in need of a warming filter?



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They're all quite good in that situation. Velvia 50 would probably be the best choice, but if ISO 50 isn't fast enough (and it might not be if the weather is dark and dreary and you're not using a tripod), other good choices include Velvia 100F, Kodak E100G, and Kodak E100GX (which is a warm film and would negate the need for a warming filter). E100VS is pretty good, but it's quite a bit grainier than the other films I mentioned.
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Velvia scans fine provided you are carefull about exposure, certainly better than GBG 200 (Golf Ball Grain Kodachrome 200).


I'm hardly the first to promote hyper saturated Disney films, but Velvia 50/100 is certainly a more versatile material for landscapes than Kodak's consumer E-6 films.


I usually stick to Provia, but I needed Velvia 50's 'kick' to get some snap out of shooting under heavy skies like the attached shot. I'll now wait for Hans to post some of his superior Kodachrome work with better color saturation.

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Both Velvia 50 and 100 should be good. Try slightly underexposing about 1/2 stop

to get more saturation. Also, Kodak's VC films are great for overcast days. I shot

about 100 rolls of mixed Velvia 50, 100, and Kodak VC for a period of 2 weeks in

rainy overcast weather and the results are great.

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