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Any way to digitally create wide angle feel?

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Is there anyone to digitally create wide angle feel using PS7? I

have this average looking image that I think would look a lot better

if it was a little bit wider because the image is kind of flat. Is

there anyway to mimic wide? Its a landscape shot by the way in

Texas. We got one day of snow :D hahaha.

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no, seeing as 2 main characteristics of wide angle lenses are a wide

field of view and large depth of field, you can't create what wasn't

there in the first place. you might be able to approximate

perspective distortion with the distort tool, but what would be the


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Yeah, you can approximate a wide-angle feel, if not an actual wide-angle shot, in PS. It looks best when there are clouds in the image. <br><br>


The way to do it is to select the image (CTL-A on a PC) and then use the <i>Transform</i> tool to widen the very top of it. So in other words, <i>shift</i>-grab the top right corner, pull it out, then do the same for the left. That's for a landscape anyway; I don't know why you'd want to get that awful converging lines look of a wide-angle pointed up at a building. <br><br>


After that, if you're really keen you can fiddle with the <i>Pinch</i> and <i>History Brush</i> tools to make it looks less weirdly distorted.<br><br>


Here, I'll give a quick example with a shot from my back window. I can't say that the distored stretchy look has improved things though; best off starting with a wide angle. Of course, there are probably better ways to do this than what I've suggested.<div>007Qzf-16683184.jpg.ea885f14f0060f02dcadbb35f326cd60.jpg</div>

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