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RA4 & Durst Printo Processor

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It is possible to process RA-4 the way you mentioned, but it is not the best way to do this. It is best to use developer, stop bath and blix. There will be too much of a carryover of developer when you go directly into bleach. This can cause streaking. Also, using stabilizer this way is not ideal. It is best to use fresh stabilizer with each print. You need a better way of replenishing. It is best to use developer, stop bath, blix, and then an external wash in water unless you have a wash module.
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I have been having occasional problems with the blix sulfurizing unless I rinse after the stop bath. This is recommended in the RA process directions, but not many people do it.


This does not happen as easily with EK blix, as it is more alkaline than some of the other blix baths.


Good luck.


Ron Mowrey

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