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Recommended UK Leica Dealers?

andy m.

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I know that there are many British Leica users that frequent this

forum and I would be most interested to hear positive reports and

experiences about dealers of used Leicas in the U.K. I am thinking

about obtaining an M3.


Any advice would be appreciated.


Thanks all, Andrew

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Ace Cameras in Bath always seem to have five or six M bodies and lenses to match. Their stock falls into two distinct categories: mint and a little pricey (but I do mean 'mint') or well used and very reasonable. My battered M3 with a scruffy Summicron (but spotless glass!) was £675 including a 6 month guarantee which I've already collected on <grin>


Nice, knowledgeable chaps as well.

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Around the British Museum area you have several reputable Leica dealers very near to each other. Between them there usually a good selection of used M3's


Aperture http://www.aperturephotographic.com/ has already been mentioned


Classic Camera http://www.theclassiccamera.com/ are Leica specialists


Jessops Classic http://www.jessops.co.uk/ specialise in used only and amongst their large stock there is usually a leica selection.


R G Lewis are one of the oldest Leica specialists in the country http://www.rglewis.co.uk/


All these stores are within five minutes walk of each other.


The British photographic magazine Amatuer Photographer http://www.amateurphotographer.com/ publishes long dealer stock listings (new and secondhand) every week.

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