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Question: product roadmap available ?


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Do you have at PN a document drafting the evolutions of the site - I

think that would be very nice for people contributing suggestions, bug

reports, ideas, etc. about having an idea on the features you decide

to implement, delete, correct in some sort of timeframe. Besides I

think that would convey to your subscribers about the amount of work

that represents.



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My post was more about services and features implementation and bug corrections. That would show users what has been taken into consideration on the short, medium, long run. As for the website traffic evolution I don't feel really concerned about that -as a PN end-user - I guess it is more sensitive information restricted to marketing and sales persons.
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We have a rough roadmap, but it is very unstable because the thing that we spend the most time on is wringing more performance out of our hardware and keeping everything running, and this takes an unpredictable amount of time.


In the past, I used to announce my plans for certain sections of the site, like the Gallery. But I've given up doing that because after doing it a few times, it becomes embarassing when none of the announced things get done. Besides, in the few cases where I was actually able to implement these roadmaps, I found that the approving nods I got at the time of announcement did not spare me any protests whatsoever when the thing was implemented, and more than a few times the people protesting were the the same people who seemed to have given their approval previously.


So, now we just deploy stuff when it is ready, and keep everybody in suspense. That is more fun. No?

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Ok, I understand your point of view although I still think that would save you some time answering some questions in this very forum thread and give some sort of visibility to your users, even if "product plan" is frequently rescheduled.

Anyway, thank you very much for your answer.

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It wouldn't be a bad idea to have a timeline of stuff we've done in the past.


For example when the server hardware was upgraded, when new forums were added, when new gallery features were added. It wouldn't have to be ultra detailed, just a brief history to show that photo.net isn't just sitting back and letting things stagnate, but is actively and continuously implementing improvements.


Predicting the future is difficult and probably best avoided...

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