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Leica MD

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The digital LEICA M should in my opinion be a logical evolution of

the Leica M, just as the M6 was an extraordinary evolution of the M4P.


The outer measurements should be the same as the M7 - without any



I do not see any need for an external screen. It is battery consuming

and confusing with all the menus normally presented. M photographers

are experienced enough to take pictures without such a screen and to

wait with studying their pictures until a later stage.


The viewfinder and rangefinder should in principle remain unchanged,

since they are the real arguments for choosing an M and necessary for

manual adjustment of the lens. However, introducing a wide angle

rangefinder with frames for the 21 and 24 lenses would be a welcome

addition to the existing M7.


Creationg a digital camera with a 5-15 mp chip within the physical

limits of the M7 seems to be an impossible task. But if Leica shall

survive, it must be by doing the impossible.


I would like to order a couple of those cameras already now, if that

were possible.


Good luck Leica, we - and you - need it!!!

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<< I do not see any need for an external screen. It is battery consuming and confusing with all the menus normally presented. M photographers are experienced enough to take pictures without such a screen and to wait with studying their pictures until a later stage.>>


I agree but as a practical matter one of the biggest draws to digital is being able to see the shot immediately (and a histogram too in some cases)and delete or re-shoot if warranted (and possible). A digital M without a viewscreen would probably not go over. I do hope they keep the "custom functions" to a bare minimum or less so there aren't multiple menus to memorize.


<<I would like to order a couple of those cameras already now, if that were possible.>>


Sure. I'm taking deposits on them now. $1000 for each gets you on my pre-waiting list.

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<p><i>I do not see any need for an external screen. It is battery consuming and confusing with all the menus normally presented.</i></p>



The LCD screen is extremely useful for a digital camera. For starters, it allows you to save a lot of interface space by assigning multiple functions to a small number of buttons/dials. Very frequently used functions should, of course, have physical controls dedicated to them, but it only makes sense to map the rest to multi-use controls.


<p>Menus will only be confusing if Leica screws up the interface design. </p>


<i>M photographers are experienced enough to take pictures without such a screen and to wait with studying their pictures until a later stage.</i></p>


Riiight. Maybe these photography masters are experienced enough to wait until a lab has developed and printed their film before studying the pictures, and don't need a digital camera in the first place.




<p>Professional photographers manage quite well with the LCD displays on their non-Leicas. While they might not be as experienced "M photographers," I would tend to listen to their ideas of what works best on a digital camera, since their livelihood depends on producing pictures. I can't imagine why Leica would pour millions into developing a digital M and then crippling it by eliminating a histogram display, image review ability, and other tools that require the LCD panel. I mean, why would a Leica user prefer to check white balance back home, rather than while at the photo location? Experienced or not, it is pretty difficult to guess the results of mixed lighting.</p>

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"It is battery consuming and confusing with all the menus normally presented."


I think even an average Leica M user can hold enough information in his or her head at one time to understand and use a 'digital' camera menu. As for not wanting the review screen, well, what is the point without? You may as well use a film camera if you want to ponder over your pictures later.

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The Contax ND was still born due to 3 death blows.


RAW Files could not be reviewed on the LCD.


Terrible RAW developer software.


Incredibly small buffer to transfer RAW files.


It also had bad power issues, but that was solved with better power sources.


If Leica launches a digital M without a LCD to review RAW files and a dinky buffer to store

them, it will be DOA.


RAW is the secret to getting Leica level quality. The RAW capture, review/storage firmware,

and development software will be the critical measures. I could care less if they even

included a Tiff or J-Peg option. RAW is like a digital neg. It's all you need.

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I'msorry, but does anyone really think that a digital M is anything but vaporware? Unless Leica gets someone to license them an existing set of sofgtware for processing and viewing, which I seriously doubt, no matter how lovely the thing looks iyt will be a goner. Who would it appeal to? No one who shoots for a living, .andno one who has to compete with anyone else who uses a pro-quality DSLR already on the market.
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I also vote for no-built-in screen. However, for those moments when one might be useful, why not have a plug-in screen that will do the job when necessary and stay in the bag/pocket otherwise.</i></p>

<p>Why? Because it's extremely useful and doesn't take up much space on the camera. Why is there resistance against having a screen? Aesthetics? The screen won't suck up any power if you turn it off, and all the digicams I've seen that have an optical or smaller electronic viewfinder allow the larger LCD screen to be turned off.</p>

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<<Ken Geter , feb 16, 2004; 06:19 p.m.

I though this was a thread about this camera:>>


Then you don't know any more about Leica nomenclature than Michael and your attempt to patronize him backfired in your face. The camera pictured is an MDa not an MD. It even says so clearly on the top plate. The MD had the manual-reset film counter and laborious pull-up rewind knob of the M2, and early models also had the button rewind clutch.

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"I'm sorry, but does anyone really think that a digital M is anything but vaporware?"


Answer: taken off Photography Blog... evidently from a news release from Leica...


�With the new financial means, we are now in a favorable position for developing a

solution that will enable our customers to enjoy the superb quality of our lenses to their

full extent in digital applications as well�, continued Mr. Coenen. According to the strict

Leica standards, an image resolution of at least 10 million pixels is required for this

purpose. �In the digital world, the true Leica M feeling also requires high precision

mechanisms and the renowned Leica range-viewfinder. According to Mr. Coenen, �The

corresponding solution is now in preparation.� The LEICA DIGITAL-MODUL-R has priority,

because it will be introduced at photokina in September 2004, but the two projects are

partially intertwined, thus gaining precious time for the digital Leica M camera."





"Who would it appeal to? No one who shoots for a living, .and no one who has to compete

with anyone else who uses a pro-quality DSLR already on the market.."


10 meg, with Leica glass IS pro quality. So who? Me for one! And a shit load of other

photographers I know who are partially crippled from carrying around a 15 pound camera

and 10 more pounds of lenses all day.

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