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Power indicator on Minolta 5400

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Just bought a Minolta 5400 scanner and can't get it working at all.

When I turn the unit on I can see a white light when I look inside

the door but the On/Off led doesn't light up � I've never even seen

it blink once! The manual only states that the led will blink

when "launching the DiMAGE scan utility" but am I correct in assuming

that it should light up initially when power is applied, prior to

launching the utility?





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Take it back immediately. I've had three or four of them and I'm still waiting for one that works. My first one was dead on arrival but replacements lasted for a couple of weeks before conking out. I believe there is sample-to-sample variation in the noise levels. Many people are happy with theirs and the one I sent back for repair (after refusing a brand new replacement I couldn't get to scan well) did produce nice scans. I've been waiting for its return for three weeks. Those things are made in Taiwan and they're not sorted out.

I strongly recommend having a drum scan made of a favourite negative for comparison purposes.

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A question for Minolta 5400 owner Peter Mackay: Have you genuinely received three or four bad 5400's? If it were me, I would've gone with a Coolscan 4000 or something else by the second one. I inquire because your posts always appear behind some other user's thread when they have an issue with their own 5400. My question then is, are you more interested in owning a scanner which meets your needs or interested in bad-mouthing Minolta with the same old negative comments we've been hearing for quite a few weeks now, instead? I bought my 5400 right after they were first available here in the USA, use it on almost a daily basis, and think it's the best desktop unit available in it's price range. Make no doubt about it that if I had gotten even a second lemon in a row from Minolta, I would've said, "Screw this. I'll pay the extra $$ and buy a Coolscan because I've got work to do". It's a new model and there will be bugs for sure, but I'm positive that for the few users who have experienced issues, there are many times more who have found that this unit completely fulfills their needs. If it doesn't for you, then why are you still sticking with Minolta, then?
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Stepan, you have to push the power button very firmly. They operate a bit strangely.


Make sure you turn scanner on (blink blink blink), launch Dimage software (initialization routine, blinks, whirrs, and clicks), and then get the steady green light.


I too had a bad unit right out of the box, but my second one seems to be operating well (so far ...).

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As I have stated before, probable ad-nauseam, these scanners are extremely quirky. I had one that failed after five weeks of flawless performance and horror stories abound. The replacement (three weeks old) is going on perfectly <knock on wood> and as a bonus manages a 5400ppi scan with ICE and GD in under three minutes while the other took about ten. It's a pity because when they work they do beautiful scans. The software sucks but I plunged an extra $200 for SilverFast and I'm glad I did it, SF is the best interface for any scanner presently available, period. I really hope the Minolta people get their act together. So much for their QC.
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