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6X6 / 35mm projector?


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I recently purchased a used 500C, fell in love with photography all

over again. I have a bunch of 35mm slides and love what the 6x6

format does to slides, WOW! Anybody out there that can recommend a

projector that would do justice to both? Thoughts on a "Viewer"

instead? I am looking at presentations in the future.

Any suggestions from the Digital world? Thanks, <R>

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Maybe you could find an old ('60s) Rollei P11 with both possibilities. Here in Europe they go for $400 (lens included).

When you want to have newer stuff you could go for a good 35mm and a new Kindermann. Two separate projectors but much cheaper than the one new Rollei dual P.


Enjoy those beautiful MF slides!

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The Leitz Prado Universal was available with lenses, condensors, and front end assemblies for both 35 mm and 6x6 cm. You could switch from one format to the other easily. Don Chatterton presently has a Prado listed equipped with the 120 kit.
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I shoot 35mm and 6x6 slides. I recently picked-up a used Kindermann fully manual 6x6 projector for around $400 and it is excellent.

The images it projects are awesome and I am very happy with it. I still use my old Kodak Carousel for my 35mm stuff. The older Carousel projectors can be found very cheaply, work great, and there are tons of them on e-bay. I believe most dual-format projectors require switching condensors or something when going between formats, and then there is the issue of projected image size which will require you to move the projector and/or use different lenses when switching between 35mm and 6x6. I find 2 projectors to be more convenient and it works great for me...


I would stay away from the Rollei P11. I have heard its an electromechanical nightmare (although I personally do not have any experience with it) and it does not use a halogen bulb like most modern projectors.


Good luck. I hope you find something that suits your needs.

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I just bought a Rollei dual format with Scheider 150/2.8 (this is extra stop brighter than Rollei's own 3.5 lens). The projection side is made of die-cast aluminum, so the overall quality is great. However, you need to open the projector and make some mask adjustment setup for 35mm projection (not very convenient if you switch format a lot). Also, allow some budge for MF plastic mount. Yes, I also feel the pain of this initial setup cost, but I'll save money somewhere else to get this combination.
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