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Any DSLR chioces for AI/AIS lens collections?


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Hi, I'm pondering a DSLR but I want to find out if there are any

models available which would be compatable (meter) with my AI/AIS

primes and a few non-D AF lenses. Maybe a Kodak/F-5 body? I really

don't want to sell off the works to switch. I still enjoy using my F4

and FEs with primes.

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The non-D autofocus lenses should work fine with any Nokon digital SLR (all you lose is the 3D part of the exposure and flash metering).


If your manual focus Nikkors are among the models that Roland Elliott can fit a Nikon microchip into, you can enjoy them on any Nikon digital SLR. The modification doesn't diminish their utility on your F4 and FE bodies... just makes them "speak" to bodies that require electronic connection with a lens for metering purposes.


A Nikon D70 with a bevy of faithful old lenses modernized for $80 apiece would be a very reasonably priced way to scratch the digital itch.


The new D2H is a sweetheart, ain't it? If the $3K ballpark is -- ahem -- compatible with your wallet, I'd say go for the D2H or the D2X.


Yes, I know there is no D2X just yet. But when it does come along, and I think that will be fairly soon, it should be awfully tempting too.


Have fun...

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