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Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, Brasil


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I'm leaving for Porto Alegre, Brasil on Wednesday to pass the

Holidays. We're planning on visiting or staying at:


--Porto Alegre City


--The Jesuit ruins at São Miguel das Missões


--Foz do Iguaçu


--And Florianópolis.


There is a possibility to take the train from Panranagua to Curitiba

if time allows (probably not).


I have over three weeks to spend down there and I'm wondering what

other photogenic sites might be worth the visit or what

considerations to take at the above sites. I'm trying to capture

some of the natural and cultural color. I'll be bringing a Canon

DSLR w/ 17-35 zoom, 50 f/1.4 and 100 f/2.0 plus a 20 GB image tank.


Any advice?

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Well, those four places are beautiful. Keep in mind that is already summer, so expect very hot climate, and possibly some heavy rain.


If you can, visit the spectacular "Aparados da Serra" canyons (near Porto Alegre) and bring back some great pictures.


Otherwise, be sure to carry your equipment very discretely and pay attention...

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I went to Foz do Iguaçu 10 years ago during my honeymoon. A that time it was possible to take a helicopter tour above the falls. It was really spectacular. Do it if you have the oportunity.

The forest aound the falls is also very nice.

As it is also a unique experience, I wonder if you should also take a back-up film camera with you, in case of a problem with your DSLR. Rain fall can be really havy in those regions, and i don't know how your DSLR will resits.

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