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Epson 2200 leaving drips on print

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The title pretty much says it all... my 2200, two weeks out of

warranty, began leaving Magenta puddles on my prints. Single drips,

random spacing, but concentrated nearer to the edge where the print

head rests. First problem with it. No warning signs. Heads are

clean and nozzles checked (once, with no symptoms) Regular moderate

use, half full cartridges. Epson technical support claimed it was

news to them. They gave me a 'local' repair facility, which I will

probably avail myself of in time, but of course I thought I'd ask

for help here first. Similar experiences anyone? Probable

outcome? Advice for home remedy? Thanks everyone.

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This is probably a long shot, but make sure you are using a paper rated for use with the 2200. I made the mistake of trying to print on some ordinary Kodak or Epson premium glossy photo paper and the whole page came out wet with roller streaks on it. I can't recall now specifically which of those two papers did that, but it was one of them. Now I make sure I use ceramic luster from Inkjetart.com or Epson Enhanced Matte papers. The Kodak and Epson glossy photo papers work fine on my Epson 740, which uses dye-based ink.
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I have a 1280 which started doing this, and no amount of cleaning cycles helped. But I hunted around on the web, and decided that either the inkheads were so dirty they were dripping with ink, or more likely there was some debris caught on it. (I strongly suggest you check to see whether the following procedure is ok with the 2200.) The procedure I now use, about every six months, is:


- say a few prayers to your chosen deity


- Prepare materials, so all the following can be done quickly..


- Press ink replacement button to bring the head out of it's parked position.


- Pull power cord.


- lay a thinly folded, and lightly Windex-wetted paper towel into the slot along which the head travels, then gently draw the head over the top of it, back and forth several times - remove and repeat until it is clear of debris. You may have to experiment to find the right thickness of paper towel, only a couple of layers - don't let it get jammed!


- use more windex-wet paper towels to soak up ink from the discharge wells at left and right, and clean any obvious ink on rollers etc.


- return print head to roughly where it came from, then plug back into power.


- find a piece of thick paper or thin card, spray it very lightly with windex or methylated spirits (just damp), and feed it thru printer several times, sideways to cover entire width.


- run a few cleaning cycles and do the nozzle check on normal paper.


I hope this helps, but at your own risk!

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...And that's why I ask here first : )


George, did you effect that repair yourself? I'd be interested to know how to decide the correct setting, without expensive trial and error.


Arnold, I've seen that incompatible paper mess on another printer, not pretty, but I'm using the familiar old premium luster.


Mark, in a word, jackpot! I used your technique substituting lint free paper towels from work, and that seems to have done it. Fortunately, the inside of the printer has not suffered any spray or spread, rollers clean, Steven, so I'm back up and running. I'd like to add a word of advice to any who attempt 'Thomasizing' their printer - don't drink any coffee beforehand, running this proceedure (at least the first time) is equivalent to drinking a pot of espresso. Thanks so much everyone!

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