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A colorful wedding

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"Not again, another wedding film questions?!" Guess this will be a

phrase appear in mind...but as I try to search for the use of color

film in wedding, I only get how good this film is, how nice that

film is, how nice the skin-color is with this film, how contrast is

high with that film...is there anyone has samples posted online? I'm

looking forward for some concrete examples so it can be helpful to

me and to other poeple who have same problem with me~...well...the

problem is...same as any other wedding film question...what color

film I can use in a wedding? Thanks for your answer in advance~!!


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Care to 'be a fortune teller' and give the weather conditions for the day of the wedding?




You need to go prepared: slow film for bright sunshine; faster film for inside (with or without flash) -- the old Boy Scout motto applies.




Fuji NPH 400 rated at 320 is good to use. But you have to decide what is best for the day you are planning on using your equipment: that is something photo-dot-net has not mastered yet (info on future conditions.)

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Weddings are contrasty,uneven lighting etc.It is best to use film suited for these conditions.Portra NC & NPH are both medium contrast wedding films,designed to smooth out the contrast speed bumps.Feel free to visit WWW.PHOTOFILMLTD.COM,this is my website and contains dozens of images captured on the above mentioned films.
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I principally use Reala 100. Check out my portfolio for examples in different lighting/weather conditions. I almost always shoot in open shade and/or backlit. I do switch to NPH 400 Fuji when shooting inside as well as Kodak 800 speed film.
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