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Where to rent lenses

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I'm going on a trip to Japan next week and was looking around for a

dealer that supplies rental lenses. I tried contacting a few, but no

one seems to have a 28mm for rent. I'm planning on taking my 50mm

cron and 90mm ASPH up with me, but I also wanted to take a wide-

angle for those beautiful scenic shots. Anyway, if anyone has any

information, it would be greatly appreciated.

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Well, it may be a little late, and I also don't know where you live. Also, let's say you'll be in Japan for under two weeks. What I myself would do is this: buy a new lens like the one you're interested in, take it with you, be reeaalllly careful with it, and when you return home, go to the store and get your money back. At least here, where I live, that returnability is a federal law or so.
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i don't thin rent is affordable for two weeks. just buy a used CV 28mm lens, use it and if you like it, keep it. otherwise sell it with little/no loss.


using a new lens for 2 weeks and then returning is unethical IMO. would anyone here like to buy a "new" lens from e.g. B&H knowing that someone took it on a field trip to Asia for 1/2 a month?!

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i think you will be unpleasantly surprised at the rental cost. this is a situation where working with a dealer over time can be a real boon. if you have a relationship with a dealer, arranging the loan of a used lens can be very easy -- if you have a good track record of buying.


you might try newtonville camera in newton mass 617 965 1240. ask for michael. if he has a used lens he may help you out.

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Fotocare in NYC might have a rental 28mm too, but I do suspect it will be expensive. I can only concur with what Roger says. When my 'cron 50mm got smashed, my dealer lent me one free of charge for a trip to Greece - that is what a good dealer might do for you.
Robin Smith
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I am surprised there is not more comment over Michael comment. To my knowledge working for a dealer in the US that there is any Federal law that requires returns. The law I believe is that it needs to be clearly stated.


Any return privilege offered by dealers is a privilege. Not a right. It is not meant to be a short term rental. Keep in mind we are not talking about a lens that sells in the $300 to $500 range. My experience is that people with the higher end lenses are looking for "totally" new lenses.


Beyond that Michael, what you are proposing is equal to theft. Whether out right or or under deception. it is theft. Inventory that left a store is considered sold. If returned it is a liability against the store.


Also most stores that I am aware of keep a list of those that "rent" equipment. I am not sure that a sincere user would want to be be on that list.

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Chip, I understand what you're getting at, and -- whether you believe it or not -- I myself not not cherish such a thing...

<p>(1) I mentioned this idea to Mikey because he is looking for a certain solution, and might not find anything else.

<br>(2) The whole idea comes not from me, but from others, on the forum here and also in general.

<br>(3) Don't forget that I pointed out that Mikey might end up possibly liking the lens so much that he'd buy the thing anyways.

<br>(4) Finally, do not forget that any old store, yes, even a "good" photo shop usually does everything it can, in order to sell the thing in the first place!

<p>I would not call this a case of "theft".

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So, Chip, another thought, now that I re-read your last note. Bulltweed...

<p><i>Also most stores that I am aware of keep a list of those that "rent" equipment. I am not

sure that a sincere user would want to be be on that list.</i>

<p>A real sincere user will certainly want to be on that list. The more he is, the more he can expect and the more he can in fact get from that store. Man!

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Michael, thanks for your comments. It was not an attack on you, but the perception of some that stores are rental places. Because of that thought we have many stores that have limited their return "privileges".


What you suggested does make it harder for those that want time to decide on their purchases. And while you mentioned the original poster maybe buying the lens in the end, it did appear to be more of an after thought.


At one time I did work for Micro Center. They at the time had 30 day return on any purchase, But becuase of abuse they scaled it back to 14 days on notebooks, and no returns on software.

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Federal law provides for a limited cooling off period (3 or 5 days, I believe) for certain

installment contracts in very limited situations, this one NOT included.


IMHO, as an attorney, the concept of a dealer 'privilege' to ban returns has some

limits. As a matter of contract law, "all sales final," "no cash refund", or "store credit

only" policies must be clearly posted in the store, and must be stated to the

customer before the sale is completed, especially in California.


Neither the "cooling off period" nor the requirement that "all sales are final" be clearly

posted would allow return of the lens.


Even though the dealer gets the lens back, it's fraudulent because the dealer loses

value in the lens, not because the lens went out and came back. Having once worked

in law enforcement, I could see a clever police officer making out a case for

embezzlement or theft by deception.


This is free legal advice, and not intended to provoke flames, etc.


While well-intentioned, the suggestion proposes something that isn't right.


In the words of Mark Twain, "Always do what is right. This will gratify some people

and astonish the rest."


When I bought my first M6 from what used to be Colonial Camera in La Grange,

Illinois, they rented used lenses with a credit toward the purchase price. Check with

them, presuming they're still around.


Good luck, happy snaps, and bon voyage.


Bob Soltis

La Jolla, California

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Thanks a lot for your responses, it was really helpful. I was thinking about purchasing the lens, but since I will only settle for the "best" for my Leica ;) , the possiblity of affording a new 28mm 1:2.0 is nil. I'll take a look at the places you suggested and see what they can offer. I live in Hawaii and there are absolutely no Leica dealers here. It's a sad state of affairs, but I'm hoping if I just keep buying B&H will open a store here just for me...in my house:) Anyway, thanks for all your help again.

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