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Joy of my life and my Leica

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I think that her expression and pose are fine. But the composition of the frame overall is very ordinary. The chair that she is sitting on is slightly distracting. The background... hm... maybe the background is a little ordinary, too. Not interesting and not subtle, either - especially the top 10% of the frame which is the worst.
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Nice colours and very cute kid although I agree that a more even background would have really made this particular image extra special (perhaps simply a higher viewpoint would have done the trick for you - e.g. small set of steps?).


Still, you have years yet to try and get some really great pictures of her and I can't think of a better reason for you to own a great camera/lens than that.

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Kheim - thanks for posting the photo. You are quite justified in your pride in your child;

she will no doubt provide you with many years of wonderul photo sessions.


I think the advice you have received here has been good. I would respectfully suggest that

you are going to want to try for a more universal appeal to your photos. Easy to say -

difficult to do. You have already had good suggestions on backgrounds, lighting, and

focus, as well as positioning youself on the childs level. I think the suggestion to use B&W

is a good one.


Much about your child will be reveiled by watching her interact with her peers and her

brand new world. In your photo here, I suspect that you were just a little faster snapping

the photo than she was in getting out of the chair. You night have done better watching

her crawl through the grass finding catepillars and worms.


To see these principles in action I would refer you to look at Beau's folder here:




Please keep shooting and posting.

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