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Which Hasselblad finder for older eyes?


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The Acute Matte screens are a MUST for older Hassys! I used to use the type with the microprism collar. The bifference in the brightness is astounding.


Also, you might look for 90/45 degree prism of some sort with dipoter adjustments.


These two changes will make a world of difference.

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David, if you use corrective lenses,is the prescription up to date? That's a good place to start. Secondly, if you wear bifocals, do make sure you look through the distant-vision part of the lens when using the magnifier on the WLF. As to which finder system is appropriate, I can say from experience that using a finder with a diopter correction is helpful. I have good results with the chimney finder. Although it is no longer made, they are available used. Some, but not all, of the prisms have a diopter adjustment. But note that the WLF magnifier has as much or more magnification as the chimney finder, and many of the prisms. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the diopter adjustment. My experience was that the adjustment on the chimney finder was worth giving up some magnification for, especially since it blocks out sunlight from the groundglass, thus improving viewing contrast--all without increasing the weight of the camera, as a prism would. I use the plain acute mat without any focusing aid. I find the 50mm Distagon a little hard to focus accurately, but the 60mm and longer pose no problem now.


Best Wishes,

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David, I use the Acute Matte screen with split image in my 503cw, and find it works great for my 53 year old eyes, with bifocals. I also have a PME 51; it is harder to use because the maginification is lower than the magnifier in the WL finder. I intend to pick up a view magnifier to use on that finder. Bob Cook
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If only I could remember my 50th birthday! I wear progressive lenses (modern bifocals). I recently purchased 503cw and replaced screen with Acute Matte D with split-image. I subsequently replaced Beattie screen in my 500c/m with Acute Matte D with split-image and also in my 500el/m. Huge improvement! I also find it easier to focus with WLF.
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Check out the Acute-Matte screen with split image and grid, too. In either case--split image with or without grid--the ease of focus is considerably faster than with the normal screens. And the brightness really relieves the eyestrain you normally experience with non-Acute Matte screens. I've never had a Beattie screen so can't compare the Acute-Mattes with them.



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