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Follow-up: Those New Year's resolutions

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OK, we're nearly six weeks into 2004. How many of you have held true

to your promise of "no more cameras!" ...?


I might have fallen off the wagon when I bought a really old Ernemann.

But I can argue that it really isn't a camera, because it doesn't have

a lens, is in really horrible condition, and I only bought it for

parts to repair my Miroflex.


That Olympus Pen F is a little tougher to explain ...

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I don't think you ever have to explain an Olympus Pen camera. Given 4000dpi scanners, I think half frame cameras like that make total sense. Plus you can use them as a fashion accessory when you go to the opera house. Like jewelry they are.


I tried to buy a Rolleiflex 2.8 Xenotar, which would have violated resolution #132 on no medium format due to lack of medium format scanner and #2 on no more user quality cameras, but the film advance was stripped "slightly" and the taking lens seemed to have a thumb print in the center of the lens between the elements. Just say no....

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I admit I went down to a local antique mall with the hopes they would still have a Graflex I had seen a couple of months ago...lucky for my wallet they didn't. Of course, it would have been more fun to lift that camera than lifting weights to keep my arms in shape! However, today I am definitely taking a camera when I go out; practice, practice!
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So far this year I've bought the two lenses for my Graphics that I promised myself would be the last ones they're ever going to get. Good, I think.


Bid on another that made no sense at all, was outbid. Bad/Good.


Bought another that makes even less sense. Bad, but its pretty and the price was right. I always was a sucker for cheap trinkets.


Culled my macro lenses, have decided which must go. Good. Don't want to give up my 50/3.5 Neupolar anyway. Bad.


Haven't tried to sell any of the lenses that must go. In addition to the macro lenses, I have some taking lenses for out-and-about that are surplus to need. Bad.


Weather permitting, will visit SKGrimes next week to have much of the maintenance and adapter backlog cleared. Good. If not next week, then when the weather permits. Gotta put the 47/5.6 SA to work.


I fear that with respect to acquiring lenses and perhaps cameras, I'm going to be a vile sinner, as usual, this year.






That 47/5.6 SA came from a Shackman Automatic Dial Recording Camera. Shackman's current owner recently told me that it was made for the Royal Navy. THAT must be why its made of heavy alloy.

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No problem for me - I've barely had time to use the cameras I already own. Mostly I've used my Canonet GIII QL17 to photograph my grandmother (who's been in and out of the hospital since November). It's quiet, discrete and she's learned to tolerate with humor the continual presence of a camera.


After this roll of Tri-X in the Canonet is done I'll probably start using my Isolette again, maybe with some Delta 3200.


But buy more classics? Nah, not anytime soon.

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I didn't make any resolution either, so was happy to pick up a Canon

"7sZ" (late version of the 7s) for 29 -- oh, right, everyone uses dollars

hereabouts, for $273. The first test roll looks fine, and now that I've

realized that "H" and "L" refer to sensitivity rather than light [Duh!] I

find that even the meter works. Amazingly, I even found a (somewhat

grotty) case for it a little later.

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Well, I've done good except for the Kalart Press that just showed up today. And it's my second. And I wasn't going to really buy it. I mean I bid 10 cents over the minimum. I mean, can I help it nobody else knows what one of these is worth and let me have it for a song. I mean, it's in better shape in some respects than the one I already have. And worse in others but then again, that's why you have two, isn't it?


Oh hell, wait till the tax check comes in and we'll see about that 531/16.


tim in san jose

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Well, I made no such resolution, but none the less, I haven't bought any more cameras in 2004 (yet). Largely because the three I've been interested in (a Kodak Reflex II, interested for a lens to replace the one whose cell I distorted when I cleaned the shutter in mine, a Ricoh Singlex II, hoping to get one that works while I fix the other two, and a 1930s Zeiss plate camera for the lens/shutter and film pack [to examine the construction]) have gone out of my budget on eBay.


Oh, well, never mind -- there'll be more along presently.

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Well, I would have picked up that fixer-upper Speedex Special R of Andrew's if he hadn't overpaid for it.


As a consolation I picked up a couple of Kodak box cameras, an Instamatic 304 and a Crown Graphic w/90mm Optar, but the year is still very young...

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