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Could you recommend the lightest head for Gitzo CF tripod


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I'm looking for recommendations for the lightest head for a Gitzo

carbon fiber Mountaineer G-1127 tripod. It will be for supporting

35mm/DSLR with lens up to 3lbs, probably mostly just a light wide

angle zoom lens for landscape shooting. it doesn't have to be a ball

head, as long as it could support the type of camera and lens I'll be

using, reducing weight is my goal. I'm looking at Bogen 484RC2 mini

ballhead which weighs 11 oz. Any other lighter/better suggestions? If

you suggest a head without QR, please also suggest an adaptor to add

a qucik release.


thank you!



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I just got an Acratech Ultimate Ballhead for my Gitzo 1127, and not only is it an excellent head, it's an excellent match for the 1127. Weight (w/o QR) is less than 12 oz., yet it's as solid as heads weighing more than twice as much. And using it is a joy: locks in position easily and securely, and operation is silky smooth.
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Never used an Arcatech but heard nothing but good about them too. The advantage is that they use the Arca-Swiss quick release system. Check out www.reallyrightstuff.com for info on this system if you're not familiar with it. Get the adapter plates from either RRS or Kirk Enterprises.
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with the QR, the acratech is 16 oz. I'm a fan of the magnesium Velbon PH-263QL at 11 oz with QR <a href="http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=NavBar&A=getItemDetail&Q=&sku=250371&is=REG&si=spec#goto_itemInfo">(here)</a>



<a href="http://www.photo.net/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg?msg_id=001iOk">here's</a> a thread on various ballhead weights and capacities

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sorry, meant to add for what you describe the Acratech is expensive ($270) overkill. on the other hand I don't think I'd use the Velbon with say a 300 f2.8 should you go down that road later.


on the third hand since it's half the price why worry about later on; a new ball head is cheap compared to any lens the $140 Velbon couldn't hold.

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