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Selecting lenses interactively - a new tool has come online

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Have you noticed that a new tool is available now for medium format



If you want to add a new lens to your 6 x 6 system and want to see

before what the difference in object coverage would be, go to

www.zeiss.de/photo, select English as your language (if you prefer

this to German) and double click on "changing lenses interactive" on

the right of the screen. A wide-angle photo will appear (taken by

Jens Karlsson with a Hasselblad Superwide and Biogon 38 mm lens) and

a list of all available focal lenghts next to it. Lead the mouse over

this list and red image frames will appear to indicate the object

field that would be covered by the focal length your mouse is just

touching. Double click and the image in that frame will be presented

almost full screen plus a list of lenses that will produce this

object field.

With this tool you can kind of toggle between two neighboring lenses

to experience how large or small the step between them actually is.

Like 150 mm vs. 180 mm. Or 80 vs. 60. Or 50 vs. 40, to name some of

the typical popular decisions facing medium format photographers when

deciding on a new lens for their 6 x 6 camera. (Although this tool is

on the Zeiss site and the lenses specified are for Hasselblad and

Rolleiflex, users of other 6 x 6 camera brands may find this

representation more useful than a wild guess.)

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