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Holiday spirit...time to subscribe to photo.net!


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Hi everyone,


It was back in May when our good friend Sandy began an impromptu

photo.net subscription drive right here in the Leica forum. Several

hundred people contributed $25 or more to get that neat little

subscriber icon next to our names. The fine photo.net folks were able

to do a series of hardware upgrades because of the influx of new

subscribers. It's been more than six months since that effort...it's

time to start up again.


Just like public radio/television listeners, it's good to remind

folks of the incredible value that we get from the photo.net



Go to this link:

<a href="http://www.photo.net/photonet-donations">photo.net



You can pay by credit card using PayPal (and get the subscriber icon

immediately) -- or pay by check. One-year is $25 or three-years is

even cheaper at $68<p>


Regardless, think about the value you get from photo.net -- and make

a holiday contribution now!<p>



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$25 isn't a lot of money. Perhaps the cost of buying and

processing two rolls of film (how much does that perfect

photograph we all pursue cost us on a yearly basis?). For the

amount I get out of this place (even if it's only hanging out for

15mins each day) I'm quite happy to contribute something in

return. Other than not being able to afford it, I don't see why

anyone wouldn't.



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I would like to point out that some of us have PAID and Photo.net is unable to supply the icons. They icons are on back-order from the franchise. I paid in August, and the check was cashed in September, but you will notice the icon is still on back-order. I still derive benefit from the site and enjoy the use of their resources, but without any credit. Pay if you are able to as it does take money not film to keep this site up and running. Even digital equipment takes money to upgrade the memory, computers and printers. Nothing in life is free, I think.



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Okay, Dave, count me in (not sure when my subscription expires).


BUT! When public TV does a fund drive (you're using them for a model, right?) they always have some special entertainment, like River Dance, or the organic gardening guy who tells us pour soap suds and seven-up on our roses (or was it Dr. Pepper), or one of those guru people, like Deeper Bakpak.


So, is there any special fund-raising programming in store? Maybe they could interrupt our "regular programming" with a "special." It could be a documentary on Oscar Barnak's dog; or a history of vulcanite; or Brian's biography. How about a special on the out of focus properties of lenses that somebody forgot to focus? Anything to make us say, "Alright! I'll pay! Anything to make this stuff go away and get back to the regular program!"

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I've read allusions to the subscription option but have not been able to catch the details. Now that I know how I will send it via PayPal. Putting in two cents worth of rhetoric doesn't pay for the privilege to participate so it behooves us all to take up part of the burden with real coin. Now that I feel more relaxed and less reticent more curmudgeonly drivel can be expected from these quarters.
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