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W/NW Snowstorm

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Boston blizzard 1<BR>

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Boston blizzard 2<BR>

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Nice light for window portraits. Late-day snow is a great softbox.

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Hey, everyone - all of these pics are GREAT shots. Just the same, snow sucks. We got

close to 2 feet where I live and I was limited to a few very uninteresting shots out of

my house windows. Have to wait for development/scanning so no posts today

(probably nothing worth posting, anyway). I wanted to fly to Miami to watch the

Patriots/Dolphins game on TV in a warm bar, but all the flights were cancelled!

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Snow is beautiful. It acts as a sound damper in the city. It makes everything into nice shapes. Even dreary old Toronto gets the appearance of style under a blanket of the white stuff. What's more, a snowy day in January or February is always warmer than the bright clear days, which are usually bitterly cold and windy, with pockets of glaring black ice on roads and sidewalks that'll land you on your tailbone in an instant. Detroit & Chicago know this.<div>006jND-15625484.jpg.63216797081c9107c527ca0fd664dcd6.jpg</div>
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