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Coolscan V is available in B&H. Now who's going to post a review?


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Guys <br>

I just noticed that the scanner is available in B & H for 599. Good

price and nice specs. Since D70 is also annouced how many of us are

curious about the scanners? Is there anybody to compare Coolscan to

current digital SLR (D100 or 10D or D1X)? Or is there a comparison

already? I still own film camera and like slides. If the latest

scanner can bring equal or better image like modern DSLR I would like

to stay with film for some more time. Then I'll have slide and

digital together. <br><br>

Anybody is going to compare these? If does can you please post some

sample images?? I know this is an odd request. :) Thanks in

advance.<br> Happy shooting


<br><br><a href="http://www.color-pictures.com" target="w-2">Color-


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I got this scanner just after Christmas (cost me ~$980 CDN) and I'm very happy with it. I have not used/owned a film scanner before, so I can't compare it to anything else. I've scanned slides (incl. Kodachrome), C41 colour negatives, C-41 B&W negatives, and traditional B&W (Delta 100) negative, all seem to come out fine.


note: with traditional B&W, the digital ICE should be turned off.

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I love F5. I guess everybody in Nikon world does. But that's maximum money I can spend on a camera. I cannot afford a 3000 dollar camera in near future unless I sell more prints. F100 was my camera and F5 was a 'gift' upgrade. <br>

So D70 is a good price for me. But I still love slides projected on the wall. That's why I was thinking about this. But considerig the cost of film and processing I might be able to justify some more money on a digital body...Radpidly changing technology kills me :). I wish if I could buy D1X and finish shopping my equipment. But that wouldn't be the case with digital world. <br><br>

Walter. Thanks for the info. Do you have any sample images on the web? How's noise? Did you ever had a chance to compare it with an image from a D100 or 10D? If you don't mind can you please post a full size crop (small area) from dark area of a slide? Thanks in advance

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Im very concerned about the finder quality of the D70

and Im sure the AF performance would be much less than Im

used to so its just not the camera for me. I would want a

camera that I could be happy with for a few years. The true cost

of a camera goes way up if its only retained for 12 to 18

months. I think a D2H and an F5 could keep me happy for color

photography. I also have a newly acquired F3 with MD-4 and DW-4

for macro and FE2 and FM2n for B&W where I will continue to

use conventional film and processing.<br>


As with so many Im recommending what Id like and what

I want. I cant afford a D2H either but perhaps by next

winter I will. I hope Nikon will announce a D2X this summer. I'd

like to know what it will be. Another factor is most of my lenses

are AI and AIS. I like many of these lenses very well although

three of my favorites lenses are AF-D Zooms. Most of my AI and

AIS lenses are primes.<br>


I should hate digital because I had a photography business that

was mostly B&W processing for PR and advertising. Almost all

of my shooting jobs came from customers of my processing. I

cant help myself as I like "tech toys" and I

exasperate some because I love to mix and match old and new.<br>


If I may Id like to recommend this D2H review...<br>


<a href="http://www.naturfotograf.com/D2H_rev00.html"

target="_new"><u>Nikon D2H Digital Camera Reviewed by Bjørn Rørslett</u></a><br>




Dave Hartman.

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Looks pretty soft Walter...is the slide/neg sharp? Looks like the focus is to the front of the flower.


<center><p><i>Leister Sculpin (Captive) - F3HP, 105/2.5/PK-13, TTL flash, Velvia 50, Coolscan III</i><p><img src=http://www.photo.net/photodb/image-display?photo_id=1387103&size=md></center>

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Walter, Mike <br>

Thanks for the posts. Images looks like noise free. <br>

Walter, is it 100% enlargement of a portion of a large image or this is the full frame picture?<br><br>

Mike, can you please tell me too? When the full frame image is viewed in reduced size you won't see any noise. But if you cut the portion of an image and see it 100% size that's when the noise is visible. <br>

Thanks again.

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re: "Looks pretty soft Walter...is the slide/neg sharp? Looks like the focus is to the front of the flower."


No, it's not the sharpest photo I have, but one that I had readily available to upload. The original poster was asking about noise in the dark areas of the slide. So, yes, the slide is soft, picture is a ~70-80% crop of the original; which was taken hand-held at distance of a few inches using Nikkor AF f3.3-4.5 35-70mm zoom on a F601 body. It's also scaned at a fairly low (~96 dpi) resolution with only ICE^3 (i.e. no other scan software processing). I'm new to this scaning and am still pretty much in the early learning stage.


Here is another image of my son, taken with the same camera/lens also cropped at ~50~60% of the original.

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