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Circular or Linear Polorizer for Rangefinder


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I am a new member to this forum. Recently, I purchased a M7 with

50mm f/2.0 Summicron (39mm). I want to shoot black and white and

color. I am in the market for screw type B+W filters and I am

alittle confused on the linear or circular polorizers filters. I

read on this forum that a linear would be suitable for a rangefinder

because of the split focusing. Any recommendation would be



Thank you in advance.

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<p>There is no need to use a circular polariser on a Leica M, yet the slimmest, multicoated filters are often circular polarizers (BW or Heliopan for instance).<p>


<p>You will need some special device however to use on a M camera, either by Leica (swing-out system) or after-market <a href="http://www.1839.org/hors/trucs/polarsm/index.html?lang=en">(see here)</a>. Most after market solutions involve an oversized filter (often 77mm) which may be used on another (slr) camera. This camera may require circular polarizers.</p>

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For some technicality, manual focus cameras do not need CPL filters. That's what Linear PL are for. CPLs are needed only for AF cameras.


I have a CPL on my Contax G1; my Canonet has a Linear polarizer, and it does it a lot of good to avoid burned shots... although you can always put a reasonable ND filter on the lens of a Leica.

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