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W/NW: Street children

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This is a good shot Gerald if I may say.


I like it centered as it is, and the strong perspectiveof the construction poles leading you to the child in the center..


As a thought, perhaps it would have been more successful if you used this strong perspective of the poles backing up a bit more perhaps placing the child nearer the end as one's eyes automatically follow the poles as soon as you vbiew this shot and would have led you to the child in possibly a more interesting manner...playing on the perspective of the shot?



or maybe not...Just a thought.


I like it though and wanted to say so.



PS: I am not talking about Polish people 8^)





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Jim McB: I am a proud contributor to the Olympus Forum. If I have an Olympus picture and I want to sart a thread; that's where I post. Take a gander over and you'll see. The last one could have easily started a thread here.


But the parameters here are not so narrow. See my response to you in the thread entitled "mannikins".


Until you have the power to change the rules here you may need to bite your lip and suffer in silence.

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