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Lens Selections for Travel


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I intend to travel shortly to Asia - Singapore and then to India and

I am in a quandary on what to take with me on my trip. I have a

Tokina 19-35mm, Canon 50mm f1.4, Sigma 105mm f2.8 lenses and I dont

want to take more than two lenses with me just because of weight



I think I want to take the 50mm, but which is the other one? Wide

Angle or the Tele? Both are good lenses optically, but not sure

which one would be more useful in the places I am visiting. I am

hoping someone in these forums could provide some guidance on which

type of lenses would be most useful (wide angle or tele) Thank you.

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I usually find that I use my 50mm less than any other lens. I use a 35mm prime with my Leica and Nikon SLR mostly, followed by a small telephoto (90mm for the Leica and 85mm for the SLR), and a wide-angle for landscapes. Personally, I would leave the 50mm behind if you have to, and take the others. But frankly, I don't think just one lens is that big of a deal, weight-wise. But if you must only take two, I would pick the wide zoom and the tele.
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Yep...your WA zoom will be your most used lens. The 105 would be the second one. If you can't fit the 50 inside a sock with your checked luggage...or it wont fit in your bag, then leave it.


But it is a very good prime. I think you would find room for it. Take one less pair of jeans/slacks...shirt...or ??? You haven't told us what KIND of trip you are taking. Are you backpacking or are you traveling with a group? Staying in hotels? Traveling by air, auto, or rail? These facts will help dictate what is to be carried.

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Wideangle zooms could be good if and only if you tend to get real close to your subject. Otherwise you'll end up with a stack of travel photos showing mostly foreground dirt/sand/pavement/etc.


For the way I work, India is best photographed using a standard lens (in 35mm terms, 35mm to 55mm focal length lenses). So think carefully about how close you actually want to get to your subject matter. Many areas in India are so open that the standard optics or short long lenses might work well for you.


I hope this helps.

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I'm no pro, but I have just come back from India and Nepal over the holidays.


My 24mm was indespensible for archtecture that you can't get far enough away from to get the whole thing, but you still wanted to fill frame. Meanwhile, the 50mm was useful for inside shooting, minimizing flash use.


BUT--I shot mostly archtecture, art and citystuff, and not so much nature and people. If you're skipping the Havelis, Temples, etc., and shooting nature preserves or more portraiture stuff, the 105 might be better for getting close.



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