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Urgent - please help me decide!

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I have some insurance money to replace my old kit. I have to order

from a recommended suppler, so won't get the opportunity to have a

close look before I buy. Just wondering if there is a clear winner

out of the following:


Sigma DC10

Canon EOS 10D

Fuji S2 Pro

Nikon D100

(any thing else in that price range?)


I've handled them all (and liked what I saw), but I won't get the

chance to play with them first.


The camera will be used for travel photography and some commercial

work (corporate exhibitions, video walls and interior design). Good

performance high and low "film" speed is important to me, as is

having a body that is fast and easy to use.


Any help would be very, very much appreciated

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That choice probably depends mostly on what kind of lenses you have in your aresenal (Canon, Nikon, etc.,) That said, I think the Canon 10D is the winner. (Notice: "probably depends mostly" -- really doesn't say a whole lot! Basically it's up to you!)


Good luck and have fun.....



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Rob's right...


If you've been blessed with the chance to replace an old camera with a new one out of insurance money, take your time!


I really think the Canon system's got the best shot in the long-term, but of those ones you suggested, the S2 generally gets the best reviews for image quality.


They're all good enough; well, the Sigma, not too many people use that one. But of the other three, I'd say the differences are negligible compared to what you want out of a camera system long-term.


If you can hold off for a bit, maybe consider the D70?

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My advice is wait for another week until after the PMA and see what is new. Fuji just announced the S3 PRO today and hopefully Nikon will have an announcement for a successor to the D100 and D1X. Canon just announced the 1DMarkII (or something like that) before the superbowl so if you can sit tight for another week or two you may be rewarded with a better camera.


Also, I think its smart to look at the lens selection and accessories that each line has first, then look at the camera. My reason for this is simple, manufacturers replace cameras every 2-3 years, but your lenses will be good for much longer than that. I use a S2 Pro and love it. Even if I didn't like it, and didn't like Nikon, I would think really hard about switching from Nikon/Fuji to Canon because I own about $5000 worth of lenses. Figure out which company you like the best now, rather than 2 years from now when you have already invested lots of money. In order to do that you'll need to go into a store and try out the different systems. One of them will be more natural for you. I didn't mention Sigma because I prefer Nikon/Canon's lens system.


Good Luck.

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It's urgent because I need a new camera to some commercial photos for our product library.


I've been to different stores and handled the cameras. They all handle pretty well IMHO. It's nice to have other peoples opinion on how they actually perform, as this is something I won't get the chence to test.


Will wait for the PMA and have a think about what lens system I want to go with in the mean time.


Thanks to all for the advice.

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