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Point and Shoot Recommendation?


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I am converting to 100% digital, and want a good pocket-size PAS for

those times I can't lug the D2h with me. I'd like to get high-

quality images, probably makes sense to get one that takes CF cards

since I have a 1GB and 2 GB that I can use. I'd like to stay with

Nikon, but don't really care, since the lens will be fixed. My main

concern is shutter lag and writing speed, since I am now totally

spoiled by the D2h. Any suggestions????

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<<My main concern is shutter lag and writing speed, >>


Well, this is where point-and-shoot cameras tend to fall down and go boom.


Also, your digital point-and-shoot camera is unlikely to be able to use any of your Nikon accessories... so there's no particular reason to stick with Nikon. I think the models to beat in the pocket-sized category are the digital Elphs and their slightly larger cousins (A70 and so on). Olympus offers a weatherproof one, which can be useful since pockets in summertime tend to be steamy.


Have fun...

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Canon A80 -- looks like a winner, but would the G5 be a better choice? I've never used a Canon, but figure I could master it. I assume I couldn't use Nikon Capture, but could open and file using the Windows browser and edit in PS.


Olympus -- hmm. I used one a few weeks ago, and it was pretty spiffy. Gotta check resolution. Also Is it as fast as the Canons (boot up and shutter lag/ fps?)


Leica Digilux: Too ungainly -- can't put it in your pocket with that lens sticking out, can you??. But what a beautiful piece of equipment! I'd probably rather buy a film Leica and put it on display!!

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