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Horseman roll film backs - usable on a Century Graphic?


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I'm hoping that someone out there might be able to give me a

definitive answer to this question: will the latest model 2x3

Horseman roll film backs (for 6x9 format) fit a Graflock back that's

on a Graflex Century Graphic? Does anyone have first-hand experience

doing so? I have read accounts of the "universal" graflock back

being not entirely universal in this case. Thanks.

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Horseman backs can't be used on Century Graphics "as they are". The slots on the sides of the back are too high for the catches on the Century. They can be used if you get the slots milled down. I had the work done at S.K. Grimes for $45. You will need to send in the camera and back for fitting. Here's the number: 401-762-0857. If your back is a 6x9 like mine, be aware that the actual dimensions are 56x80.


BTW, nice choice on camera. I shoot mine by sportsfinder using distance scale using DOF. Used this way it is a handheld camera except for the slower speeds.

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I have come to the same conclusion as you: use the sports finder and the focus scale. I keyed in my scale with the ground glass, and removed the rangefinder (it got in the way...but I saved it for future use!). It's now very fast to operate. I have a small hand rangefinder if in doubt regarding distance. F/16 and "be there!"

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