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Welta Weltur and eBay


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I have bid upon a Welta on eBay. In the eBay advertisement, they do

not want to go through the eBay checkout processs, but say that they

want to contact me afterward. It ended yesterday, item # 2966304466.

Last evening I

mailed them, but haven't heard yet.


It makes me wonder, and does not quite sit in my belly well about not

going through eBay checkout. What do you folks think about this?


They may have another way of paying eBay, but after suffering an email

scam that

I went through with my account on eBay, I am leery, and not wanting to

have some more trouble.


I thought about just punching in the checkout process. I don't want

to step upon someone else's business, but I also don't want to have

more difficulties myself either.


So what do you think?


Thanks for considered responses.

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E-Bay Checkout is something that was introduced since I started using the system. I have never bothered to click on it when buying or selling, and I don't know what it does (probably just tries to encourage you to use PayPal). I have never had any trouble contacting sellers or buyers using the standard means of communication.


E-Bay is of course open to scamming but I don't suppose Checkout offers any protection. Most users are honest but there is a percentage of crooks in every population.


Sometimes you won't hear from a buyer or seller for a day or two because they are ill or away or something. Start worrying if you hear nothing after 3 days.


At least you have not sent any money so far.

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I've looked up your item and there isn't really anything unusual about it. E-bay checkout is not utilzed by many, probbly more and more so. You can still use it, so your response to a won auction is in ebay's system. The use of it will not (and cannot) nullify your winning bid.


What they're saying is that they DO NOT consider ebay checkout as a legitimate response. Some sellers like to be in complete control, have their mail boxes set up in their own specific way, so it may make it easier for them to await a response to an email initiated by them. I've also dealt with this kind of arrangement many times, and it made no difference. Just use a payment method that you can easily trace.

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I agree with the above. The checkout is used by some but not by many. It's a holiday weekend so go take some pics, when the seller checks his email you will get a reply. The only thing working today is Paypal and if he prefers not to go that route then you will have to just sit back and wait! or go take some pics!
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Thanks a lot guys. In the times before I have not always used the checkout, but stay in communication with the seller. I have used the checkout, but that sometimes makes things less convenient, like Witold mentions, as the person has things set up how they would like.


The seller has close to one hundred content customers.


Thanks for the responses.


Yes, it is Thanksgiving, and the seller is probably busy with other things, so I will wait, and trust God for his mercy first, and then also figure that the seller has a good record.


I have just been wary, as I had my account hijacked last weekend. I got a mail from eBay (legitimate) about my account and an email address, which they had wanted to get verified, I suppose as I had not mailed anyone through eBay for a year, and EBay asked for a verification of my address.


Well, that went all right, after I mailed them, and it was the real eBay, but then, within a week or perhaps ten days, I got another one, which looked just like eBay, and it wanted a verification, and had a link to their(presumably eBay) site, and wanted a verification. I thought, 'Again?', but it looked so like them, and so I went to what I thought was eBay, and this I think is what allowed them to get access to my account. They changed the mail address, and the password. eBay sent a message to my mailbox, saying that they approved of a mail change, which made me think "What?" So I found that I was out of my account when I went to check it. I swiftly mailed eBay, and they responded by suspending my account. I don't know how much time it was hijacked, but it got frozen. Then it took a few days to get it back.


This was quite frustrating, to say the least. While I was trying to regain things, I first thought it was just a mistake. Then, I began to suspect some skulduggery, and I went to the acount, and requested a mail with the lost password. Doing this, I found that they had changed the name associated with my account to another very different name, I don't know who did this. However, when eBay sent the note about the mail address change, they sent the IP host address from which the request originated, which I checked on. It was a proxy server in Romania, from all the appearance that I could determine, while poking around. So, I sent all of this to eBay, the security outfit. They should have had all of this, they sent it to me, but I thought perhaps it was an autoresponse, and as eBay had started an investigation(however they conduct these, I don't know) I thought they may find something. One of the things that bothered me was that I noticed the name of the provider that this Welta seller used on the proxy server. However, they could have been accessed by the 'crooks'. So, I was a little uncertain, when I found this out, but the seller has a good reputation on eBay.


Sorry for the length of this, but it is something that happened to me. I thought I was careful about what I do on the web, but I fell into this email scheme which has recently gotten some press in the media. Perhaps it will be of some warning to folks here.


Thanks a lot folks, and have


Happy Thanksgiving



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