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Helping friend's brother find digital camera - newspaper work


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This is out of my realm... I shoot with a Canon 1V - So I need your

help. My friend's brother is a film pro... Just got offered a job at

a newspaper in South America. His budget is between $300-$500 - I

guess he's not in the best shape financially. Is it

acceptable/possible to use a low end (or used) digital camera for

newspaper work? Ideas on some brands/models that would work? I

would appreciate any feedback.... Thanks.

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My opinion is that he should think about what his assignments

are going to be. Does he need a wide range of focal lenthes?

How large are the photos going to be printed? Are they going

to be used for purposes other than newspaper reproduction?


If he already has lenses for his film equipment, perhaps he

should consider an SLR that is compatible.


Used equipment is an option, but much of the digital that is

available is outdated and/or not in good condition. Technology

in lower priced older equipment can be fine, but may really limit

you if you are usingit professionally.


Bottom line: If you are purchasing equipment for work,

perhaps spend a little more for something that will fulfill your

needs and not be outdated technologically right away. It's

more cost effective.

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The PJ's I know in South America shoot with the Nikon D100 or D1, or with the Canon 10D or 1D. Those are the tools needed to get the job done. Everything below that (like the D Rebel) just won't get the job done either by being too slow, not rugged enough, or both. My D Rebel certainly won't cut it for the type of shooting that a PJ is likely to find; my EOS 1N on the other hand has been the mainstay of PJ's for years before digital become prevalent in newspaper work. If the newspaper in question does shoot ditigally, your friend will have to come up with the cash to purchase the real deal, and that's going to cost a lot more than $500. What the heck, the media alone (CF cards) will cost him more than $500 (that's about 2 GB)! He will need back ups for everything from extra CF cards to a second body. It's also possible that the newspaper has a pool of lenses for internal loan to photographers; if so, he will want to stay with the same brand, which most likely means Nikon or Canon. At least that's the way it was when I was with my school's newspaper (we had both Nikon and Canon DSLR's).
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I'm listening.... I'm printing this and will relay the helpful info to my friend.. When she told me what he wanted to spend I thought it just wouldn't do... But, then again - I don't know the needs of newspapers for images outside of film. What is a more realistic range that he should expect to pay? Are there good sources to purchase used in South America? Or - should I direct him to B&H? Thanks everyone..!! <p>Having answered questions and given advice on wedding photography so often... It was great to see others also give of their time to answer questions.
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B&H is a good place to buy. Their prices are about the lowest

and they are reputable. Don't ask for advice on the net or over

the phone, though. There, as at just about anywhere, you are

probably speaking with someone who knows how to take

orders, but isn't qualified to give advice. A Canon10d is going

for about $1499 for the body; Nikon about the same. Bestbuy

has Sandisk 512mb compact flash cards for $89 this week

with in-store and mail in rebates (a great price). Other chains

often have promos on 256mb and 512mb. There are good

camparative shopping sites on the net you can checkout;

BizRate, NexTag, etc. Google has a list of them.


Be very wary of sites that are much cheaper than B&H or

Adorama. They usually don't have the item, pressure you to

buy other items at bad prices in order to get the good price on

the item you want, etc. Basically, don't trust them. They're

usually crooks.


If you have a supplier in your area, definately check them out.

There is such demand for digital SLR's right now that there is

not huge, huge discounting on bodies. You also will know t

that you have given business to a dealer who is there to help

you and wants your business.


Again, he should check with the publication to see what their

requirements are, what they will provide or lend and see what

other photographers at the publication are using.


Good luck.

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Thanks GW. I know B&H well ;-) and you are correct... I always do my homework here and THEN go to B&H to get what I need. Or here... I've bought two Canon 1V's from B&H and one from Photo.net classifieds. I've been dealing with them for 14 years.. <p>My friend's brother speaks no English and is in South America - so this could be challenging..
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Hi Mary,


If he can stretch to $550 and doesn't have time to mess with "used" shopping, take a look at the new Panasonic Lumix, a high-end consumer grade camera. I'm thrilled with it. Best focal length and image stabilization for the money that I've seen. See some of the posts at the bottom of the digital camera forum by manufacturer (go to Panasonic). Just my $0.02!

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Does his assignment require digital? If not, why would one even invest in the financial and learning curve of digital, especially on the low end? What kind of film equipment does he have currently? For instance, if canon, i would hightly recommend that he find a way to come up with a an extra hundred dollars on top of what he has and invest into a used Canon D30; you can find these now for $600 (I just bought one as a backup for $620). If his existing equip is canon, more than likely he has a compatible lens already. As you know, the newspaper end is not my field but i do know that D30's were widly used in the PJ filed when they first came out a few years ago.....so i would say yes, it would be more than acceptable. Another question, is he capable of making the digital work for him or would he be able to just shift the files off to someone that could utilize them properly at the news center? For a working pro, i would only recommended one to invest in digital cameras that have large sensor sizes. I've had both and the small sensor consumer cams are only decent at ISO100 and totally useless above 200.

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Thanks Jammey -- Your lead on a camera will help. My problem in this situation is that I'm dealing with my friend who has trouble with the English language as it is -- and her brother who does not speak english! The best I can do is print the page and hand it to her and let her sort it out with her brother... I'm guessing it isn't a real high end newspaper in South America. I do know he is required to shoot digitally and I don't know what camera he currently has.. I know that if I were to go digital - I'd absolutely go with Canon since I have all the important high quality lenses already. However, I'm not ready myself yet. Last May when I was at a workshop in Cape May -- A high up Canon Rep indicated that it will be two more years before they come out with a semi-buggless - new and improved Digital. I don't like spending money unecessarily on cameras going through trial and error until they get it right. I'm waiting. Mary
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