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OT: Thoughts on the big digital and film issue. Leica future.


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Well, I felt compelled to write this for whatever it is worth to

solicit the thoughts of this group. I never do this, but simply

could not get it off my mind...


What is photography about? Capturing the image and that is all?


As a painter living and working in Europe, many people seem to

forget how 100yrs ago the art of painting was to be abandoned and

was now "replaced" and "outdated" (it was said) by this new

developing technology of photography. the qualities or ease of this

new method of capturing the image so much more accurately and

quickly had been found.


although many painters during the time including Degas, Picasso,

Bonnard, et al. used photography as a tool, and many today still do

(I included) photography of course cannot and will never compare

with a photograph...not until such time as when a photograph can be

taken in Heaven or in Hell...there are many other aspects but beyond

the scope of this forum.


How interesting now another 100yrs later, photography is now to be

(so everyone says) by the new digital age..


So, what was photography. An experiment? Why is the human race

always so quick to eat itself? overtake and abandon...our technology

surpasses our morality....but I digress...


Are there no "old masters" of photography as well? I very much think



Will there not ALWAYS be those who wish to practice the art of the

old masters? Yes, definitely.



No, I would like to make a prediction that film photography will

never disappear..of course not in our lifetimes as there will always

be film cameras around enough for companies to make a profit selling

film, however, there will always be that niche for film

photographers, just as there are those for old cars, etc.




This may lead more into the romantic and subjective, but what is

wrong with that! This is the only reason the human race is worth a

sh*t (pardon my language) at all in many ways isn't it?!



Is photography art? No, not really, but it is an art "form", it is

expression, it is thought, it can be very powerful, and there are

qualities in a film photograph that will never compare to digital





I believe in the future these qualities will be appreciated. And I

hate to see the pendulum swing back and forth as it always does on

so many things as to what is popular or what is accepted, how people

go back and forth to extremes with all sorts of movements, etc. not

to make mention of this, for whatever it is worth.


These are merely a few of my thoughts on the subject I simply had to

get out as strange as this sounds...and I would truly appreciate any

other thoughts on the subject, however, it may run far too long/deep

for a forum entry...



As for Leica, I will always own a film camera for my own reasons,

but applaud their development of a digital as long as they don't

lose their soul.


I hope it is successful.


Per the posts below, their financial figures are not very good, and

I can see it coming.



If I may, Leica can be compared to a fine timepiece. The great

manufacturers of the past such as Jaeger-LeCoultre, Lange and Sohns,

Vacheron Constantin (the oldest watch manufactuere in the world and

considered one of the big 3 of fine watchmaking), et al. are ALL

owned by large conglomerates now within the luxury industry.



Guess what, they are better for it. You know why a Rolex is popular

and a symbol of wealth? Marketing. It is a mid range watch, in some

ways less, but they have the same "mentality" (READ: mentality only)

as Leica it seems...and retain their value as a result..


They have never followed fads, and they have never followed trends.

The Rolex you buy today is very similar to the one you bought 50

years ago...this is why their values stay so high..and this is why

in my opinion the M5 failed in it's day...people still preferred the

M4...and I have seen writings to this effect.


Leica has a difficult position...you have to feel for them...They

NEED to change but they CAN'T change in many ways it seems..


Due to market demands and their own needs and beliefs they must walk

a very fine line to stay above water, trying to please **everyone**

with a product carrying such an historically important reputation

and romantic/passionate following like NO OTHER.


You cange something TOO much and it is a disaster, you change it NOT

ENOUGH and it is criticized to DEATH and therefore a

disaster...everyone is so impossible to please.



Should Leica be bought out by another conglomerate in the near

future, which will most definitely happen eventually (I feel it is

inevitable) it would be a GOOD thing.


These other manufacturers of fine timepieces, I mean fine timepieces

gentlemen, should most of you not be familiar with anything other

than Rolex, well, I feel sorry for you...(these other pieces can go

for 10's of thousands of dollars and hand crafted, not assembly line

made like Rolex who made 900k pieces as opposed to the others 15k)


...these timepiece manufacturers that were bought out NOW have the

proper financial and adminsitrative support to do what they

need...so would Leica...and they would have an even better "Digital

M" as a result...



AND these companies have complete autonomy to do what they

like..These guys arent stupid...they know why people buy

Leicas...and Leica certainly is not going to sell themselves to a

Japanese company...


At any rate, these are only my thoughts, and I for one feel better

now having it all off my chest ...whew..



I had not seen these issues addressed in this way...hope it brings

some interesting replies.


Kind regards.

Paul in Italy

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I suppose we are going to have to chew and gnaw this bone forever. Photography isn't art! It isn't science, philosophy, or religion, even though some followers of those callings wish to make it so for their own personal and selfish ends.


Photography is an industrial process that is adaptable to the end purpose of anyone who chooses it as an appropriate medium. The artist may so employ it in his work; as may the scientist, philosopher or religious.


Why can't we discuss those varying ends as they are enhanced by use of the tools rather than attempt to glorify the tools themselves?

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