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Bay Area Shooter with DCS 520 Body

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I am thinking about swapping a D30 body for a Kodak DCS 520. I have

heard from a few that the shutter delay is better then a D30 and the

AF is a hair better as well. My main body is 1D and I find switching

back and forth for sports (main money maker) is difficult to

impossible because the D30 is so much slower.


What I am looking for is someone within an hour or so of Oakland/SF

that has a DCS520 that I can come over and shoot a few frames with,

to physically get a feel for how the body reacts. If you are looking

to sell it or maybe trade it for the D30 even better, but that is

not really what I am after at this point.


Any help would be muchly appreciated.


Samples of my work can be seen @




Gil Batzri

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