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Article menting the new (and improved?) Tri-X


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One thing I've been meaning to ask on the film forum: I can't quite figure out why my newest batches of Tri-X (import) from B&H curl so much (a somewhat annoying situation). I'm not doing anything different in processing, so I wonder if something has changed for the worse in the manufacturng of the film.
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Well here's what I was told by a Kodak rep at Pro Photo one day. I was asking her why the developement times changed for TriX and she said that Kodak built a whole new manufactoring site just for producing it, partially because the old facility made them take more steps to protect the film from contaminants, I guess dust and the like and thus they had to use a thicker backing on the film to protect it at a certain point in its production. Since the new facilty is state-o-the-art, they are able to use a thinner backing on the film, thus cutting their cost and reducing developement time due to thinner backing. She said the emulsion is actually the same, only should be more consistant. I imagine the reduced backing might explain the tendency to curl.
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How can i know the difference of the old an new Tri-X?


I have some rolls in my freezer that aren´t markt with anything eccept Tri-X and dev before 05-2006. (They are bougth from a firm that sells "pro-packs" in anonymous cartriges.)


(i hope that they really are Tri-X, but it seems so.)


Ivan G (of Sweden)

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The package is different colors (green writing)and I think, though I don't have one in front of me that it says professional? I suppose I should look before typing. But the package has a whole different look than the "old" tri-x, at least out here in California.
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Yeah, my new Tri-X curls as well. Going to print some tomorrow, so I've had the negs under weights (in sleeves) for a few days. I hope that flattens them out.


As for Processing times I use D-76 or ID-11 1:1 for their stated times and found that the negs. are either fine...or perhaps bit heavy.

I think the last batch in ID-11, I cut down on time for 60 or 90 sec. and I liked the results.

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