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A Call to Self-Examination


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John, just because you or anyone else asks a question (or hounds me, or berates me, or

whines to me) doesn't mean I have to jump and answer. If you don't like it, that's too bad. If

you think there's abuse, I urge you to promptly send an email to abuse@photo.net. If you

don't understand that there are thin-skinned people who'd rather make a histrionic opera-

like farewell than deal with the fact that there are people who do not agree with them on

matters of aesthetics, so be it.

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Are peoples' egos so fragile that being rated by AZ is a major problem for them? Personally, I can hardly imagine how much time and energy it takes to rate over 40,000 images, but in the end, it is permitted by photo.net rules and I would have thought the metter ends there. As for the recent rash of tearful farewells, they are the most entertaining thing to have happened on this forum for a long time. Keep up the good work, everyone!
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Rather than self examination, I prefer self abuse. That way, I have the fun of insulting someone whenever I like, I don't have to listen to him whine about it, and it leaves those who want to upset me with little recourse . . . ; )
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<i>There was one fellow (forgive me I cannot recall the name) who simply stated "you get more flies with honey than vinegar"</i><p>


Actually, that was your mom. :) She was right, too.<p>


"[. . .]fanatics, heretics, genuflection, tithing, obsession over what Rome will do next, and, more generally, belief not subject to scientific proof."


<i>Right. Then again, maybe we should compare it to the evolutionists. :o</i><p>


Those fools who believe in science, huh? Perhaps the highest compliment this forum has received in a while.<p>


As a confirmed <i>evolutionist</i>, I'm hoping this forum - and the site generally - will evolve out of this into something as pleasing as it's been in the past, yet better working. (Of course, that hope could be my Hegelian innards showing through, and, if so, I'll probably have as much luck with it as him.)<p>


I've checked out the "other" forum (actually, there are <i>many</i> other Leica forums on the net, most of them empty of life, <i>any</i> at all), and found that, A) it's not exactly thriving with conversation, <i>or</i> with numbers of conversationalists, and, B) they are having other troubles which would be familiar to many of us here - ie, they are deleting threads, drafting <i>rules</i>, appealing for <i>courtesy</i>, and, C) . . . I forget what "C" is, but you get the idea.<p>


I'm of the view that things will - or, rather, <i>could</i> shake out here, that some of the old participants might return eventually, and that things will sort of return to "nominal" (to put it in terms you aviators here will understand). Give it some time. Keep the histrionics to a minimum (you'll be glad you did). And continue participating. That's all.

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I haven't had a chance to check in on the forum in almost two weeks. I'm not exactly

sure what happened (I guess posts got deleted). What chaos! People banned! Teary

goodbyes! Self-Reflection on the state of the forum!


Jesus. Everyone needs to lighten up. These things go up and down. Sometimes the

forum sucks, sometimes it doesn't. It's the internet. Put some of this energy into your

photography, your family/loved ones, politics, exercising.... I don't know, into

something that matters more than an internet forum.

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