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F100 sluggish film advance and rewind


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I have a nikon f100 that seems to be sluggish with film advance and

rewind, can anyone tell me what the problem might be and how severe

this is?

Also I have been debating on trading this in for an F5, would this be

worth the extra $500.00?

thanks in advance for your response.



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<em>"Also I have been debating on trading this in for an

F5, would this be worth the extra $500.00? thanks in advance for

your response." --Corey<br>


If the F100 is your only camera I say dont. If you want an

F5 save for it. The F5 is a large, moderately heavy camera. I dont

mind the weight of the F5 in hand but when its pulling

forward on my neck it might as well be a boat anchor. Now if you

own an FM2, FE2, F3 or FM3a and you dont feel the need for

AF for travel, landscape, hiking and such then any of the FM/FE

family cameras and an F5 would be fine but I would not want it as

my only camera. The F5 is not a walk in the park camera. Yes I

made light of Phil Greenspun likening the F4s to a "Light

Weight Bludgeon." No its not as heavy as a brick. In

all honesty the F5 and also the F4s weighs 54% of what a

commercial brick weighs. I weight them; I know whereof I speak.

The F5 drops to 50% if you use lithium batteries. Again these are not

walk in the park sort of cameras.<br>


Set the camera to "C" and squeeze off single shots.

"Cs" is for maximum annoyance of yourself and those

around you (or so I surmise).<br>


Again dont sell the F100. If you like, save for the F5. They

are both great cameras and I love them. Next time you load up

with batteries try a set of Energizer L91 lithiums. If you are in

the US try Home Depot or Wal-Mart for reasonable prices.<br>





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To all of you, Thank you, I just ran a test roll and now feel like an amateur. What would I do without you all.

Dave thank you, I do like my f100 but theres always that urge in me that wants the best even if its not the best for me. I will be keeping my f100, although I do have other nikons I like this one for everyday, the others are back-ups. Again thank you all for your input.



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The F5 is probably the best 35mm film camera on the planet. But for a $1000.00 less,

the F100 is a killer camera, and nothing to be ashamed of. Actually, you really should

ask yourself if you need the little bit extra that the F5 provides over the F100 when it

means another $1000.00. If you do, go for it, but if you don't, you already have a

great camera.


Cs is silent mode, which is slower. Switch to S or C for more rapid advance and

rewind. Some folks like to leave their F100 in S so that it won't release the shutter

until the lens is focused. If all else fails, RTFM. :o)

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One of the little bits the F5 offers in the DW-31, 6x high magnification finder and a much better array of viewing screens. There are many other bits. Even the weight is an advantage as well as a disadvantage. The F5 is truly worth the extra but it�s not a casual use camera. They are kind of like the Hummer and the H2. I own one of each and only wish I owned two of each (the cameras that is). I�d be quite satisfied to own one of each of the vehicles.





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I recall a couple coming into a camera club beaming from ear to ear with their new F5. I wondered if they would be so happy with their camera in a few months. I think that depended on what other camera they have and what they use the F5 for. This is one case where buying the top model isn�t always the best. I use the F5 for macro and if I but had a fast super telephoto I�d use it for that (I�m saving). Even with the AF 80~200/2.8D ED I prefer the F5.


When I said the F5 is not a casual use camera I did not mean the F100 is only a casual use camera. The F, F2, F3 and F4 (w/ MB-20) were all light enough for casual use but like the F100 were capable of much more.





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I can tell when my F100 is getting ready for batteries - it does just what you say, it advances and rewinds a little slow. The low-battery indicator doesn't show up until it's almost dead. New batteries should do the trick.


Personally I can't see a need for an F5 but alot of people can. I'd say if there were specific reasons why you need it over the F100 then go for it - and maybe one of them is that you just want it! No problem with that, but the F100 is a great piece of equipment.

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