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Nikon vs third party autofocus speed.


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I need to buy a standard and a tele-zoom for a Nikon F4.(28-78 and

70,80 -200+) I am only looking at 2.8 or close to them for the

quality. I think I would be happy optically with Tokina ATX pro used

for around 300.00. BUT. My big issue and the reason I went from

Pentax LX to Nikon f4 was for auto focus. From this site

http://www.photozone.de/bindex2.html it seems only Nikkor 2.8 pros

have fast autofocus speed. Tokina and the rest rate as slow. Is this

true? I don't want to end up with doggy auto focus.

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The F4 benefits nicely from AFS lenses, even though the camera pre-dates the lens designs. It dramatically improves the AF performance of an F4 (I have not found a 'dramatic' AF improvement with AFS on an F100 or F5).


One might expect a similar 'boost' in AF speed from something like a Sigma HSM on an F4, but I haven't tried it.

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I was tossing the idea of Sigma HSM into the ring as a possible inexpensive route to faster AF. I can't answer your Q about Nikon vs. Tokina AF speeds in the non-AFS regime.


There are a number of factors that go into 'speed of AF'. Assuming the same camera, non-motorized lenses, same scene, and same aperture, the AF speed usually comes down to 'driven mass' and the smoothness of the focus mechanism. My Nikon 85/1.8 AFD lens uses a 'rear focus' design and has very little driven mass. It's actually pretty responsive on an F4 and other cameras that are a little less than 'state of the art' for AF speed. In contrast, my Nikon 135/2.0 AF DC is pretty much a 'pig' for AF speed. An F4 or a D100 can't drive the 135/2.0 fast enough to track basketball. An F100 can.


I don't know anything at all about photozone. It has never crossed my 'radar' before (this surprises me a bit, because there's a lot of 'content' there). I note that in normal zooms, they don't have the Nikon 35-70 f/2.8 AFD listed. This is what you would compare to the Tokina for AF speed (non-AFS) in an f/2.8 'pro' normal zoom.


I can see why an LX man sought out the F4; they're both well thought-out 'system' cameras. The F4 has an almost cult-like following, but for some reason mine has not grabbed my imagination the way it has for others.

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