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Lens Converter to use Carl Zeiss T* or Yashica ML Lenses


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If anyone can help me here it'd be awesome.


Here's the story, I own a Yashica FX-3, it's ok, full manual isn't

always what I like to do though, neither is all the other manual

things, except focusing, I love manually focusing. Anyways, the film

advance lever on the camera has had it and has decided to stick at

the end of each pull, instead of going to get the camera repaired I'm

thinking it's about time I upgraded.


Anyways, I don't have much of a need for AF right now, but EOS

cameras are really what I'm after, I looked into Contax

(expensive!!), other Yashica's (hard to find), but now I'm going back

to my favorite, Canon. I don't want an FD because if I get an EOS I

can get so many different lenses after and they're so easy to find.


To get to my question, is there a lens adapter that I can buy to use

on an EF-mount camera so I can use my Yashica ML/Carl Zeiss T*

(bayonet) mount lenses on an EOS system? With Contax, if I'm going

to use an old lens like what I have I lose the ability to use Tv or

Full Auto and all the dummy modes, but Av and M are all I need right



Please, if there's an adapter out there where I can use my ML lenses

on an EOS, let me know, I'll hunt it down because I really need this.


The lenses I have right now are:


- Yashica DSB 50mm f/1.9

- Yashica DSB 28mm f/2.8

- Tokina RMC 80-200mm f/4


and a Vivitar MC 2x Teleconverter.



I know it sounds stupid to put super old lenses on new technology,

but I can't afford to get a good lens along with an EOS camera and I

have an Ok lens line-up right now that'd just go to waste.<div>006WwT-15331684.jpg.5ab00ac1e89bdf1282bb22c1bcf834b1.jpg</div>

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<i>"I don't want an FD..." - "Also, if there's one for Canon T series cameras, that'd be Ok too..."</i><p>The T series is still FD, just like the earlier A series and F series.<p>If you find a Yashica-EOS adapter and buy an EOS body, watch out for the Elan 7/7e / EOS 30/33 - most who have owned this body (including myself) have found that the camera does not work with stopped down metering, which is the only way to use manual lenses on an EOS body. Most modes on an EOS body will be useless until you upgrade to EOS lenses.
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I may get flamed for this response (I don't care), but I disagree with the info at the above eosdoc link. My Elan 7's "metering bias" was definitely NOT LINEAR!<p>With a manual lens, if I changed the aperture 1 stop, the camera chose a shutter speed either the same as before changing the aperture, or 2 stops different, or sometimes it would be nice and change the shutter speed the expected 1 stop. Start all over, and it would give different results. It was inconsistent and non-linear. Some users have posted similar experiences, others claim their Elan 7 did stopped-down metering perfectly every time.
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On Contax lenses on the EOS, bobshell.com has sold an adapter in the past. You can use Leica R lenses on a EOS with an adapter from cameraquest.com. In both cases, this would work better with wide-angles, 28mm and wider. Use hyperfocal settings for focusing, as trying to focus precisely using stop-down metering is a pain. Your EOS should have a pretty bright screen and a focusing aid, such as a split-image microprism. I wouldn't go to this expenses and bother over Yashica lenses, but I might for Zeiss or Leica. Of course, who knows, maybe Kyocera uses the same formula for Yashica and Contax.
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  • 7 months later...
In regards to the Elan 7 stop down problem, newer models of this camera have this problem fixed with the newer firmware. My Elan 7 which is less then a year old does NOT have a stop down metering problem.
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