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Fuji Superia 100 print film (Is it new?)

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I did a bit of a search and couldn't find much.


My girlfriend just bought some Fuji Superia 100 (4th Color Layer).

It says on the box that it should be developed before 07-2004.


Last time I went to the high end photography shop downtown, I asked

for the finest grain print film available. The guy told me that that

would probably be Superia 200. I asked about 100 and the guy told me

that Fuji had stopped producing it.

So have they brought it back?


How good a film have YOU found it to be?

I would imagine it's best suited for landscapes & green stuff....


...but how does it fare for portraits?




Thank you, kindly



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<i>the guy told me that Fuji had stopped producing it.</i><p>


He's wrong. <p>


<i>I asked for the finest grain print film available. The guy told me that that would

probably be Superia 200.</i><p>


What do you think the odds are that he had Superia 200 in stock?

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I'll definitely second the recommendation for Reala. The Superia 100 is good film, but Reala will give you just such wonderful results. Make sure to have it developed by a lab with Fuji equipment.


And while you're at it, try some other films, too. You might like Kodak Gold 100 (now called "Bright Sun"), Kodak HD200, or Agfa Vista 100. Agfa also makes an Ultra 100, which is wonderful. And then there's....


On second thought, just go out and have fun!



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Just go and have fun. Hmmm... Fun? What a whole new concept!! LOL!

Didn't you know that photography is VERY serious and fun is NOT allowed???


I think that that is what I'll do. Have fun. -Still... there's that quest to find the colour print film which yields the finest grain. Ilford's Pan-F and Delta 100 are my fave's.... don't know much in the way of colour film though.


Man... if ya don't pay attention for just a blink of an eye, you don't know what the hell is going on with film. This is discontinued, that has changed names, blah, blah, etc, etc...

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