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Thank you to Youxin Ye (Leica Repairman)


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I felt it appropriate to extend a public "thank you" to Youxin Ye.


I contacted him this week (Christmas eve, in fact)to inquire about a

CLA on my Leica M3 which I got as an early Christmas present. Since

I needed a quick turnaround and seeing that I live within driving

distance of his home near Boston, Youxin invited me over to his home

to hand deliver my camera and watch the CLA in progress.


As someone who's just getting his feet wet with Leica equipment

and "culture" (for lack of a better descriptive term), my visit with

Youxin was an extremely informative and interesting experience.

He's a great guy who answered many of my technical and historical

questions, and even let me "get under the hood" a bit to better

understand how my camera operates by making my own adjustments under

his supervision. After he completed the CLA and vulcanite

removal/replacement, he spent some time showing me his impressive

collection of Leica screw mount and M cameras and lenses. I mean

*impressive*. I spent the whole afternoon with him, and I learned a

ton. Above all, I learned of the camaraderie of Leica people like

Youxin who are willing to help others learn and continue the



So thanks very much Youxin. You're a talented craftsman, and an

even nicer guy.

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Youxin is a real nice guy. He knew how much I wanted an M2 (we communicated via email for a few years) he sold me one of his at cost (he was selling on ebay at the time). He was going to China to visit his relatives and he sent me the camera and let me sell some stuff and said I could pay him when he got back. He's fixed some of my cameras and sold some of my equipment on ebay for me. There isn't a nicer or more honest person anywhere.
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While we're busy thanking people nobody knows, I'd just like to thank my mother for giving birth to me, my father for impregnating her (although his behaviour thereafter was pretty bloody disgraceful) and Mrs. Beckwith for her Christmas puddings. Oh yes - and Mr. Anderson for those funny stories he used to tell us on the way back from school. Thanks everyone.
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