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Teleconverter for N80 and 80-200mm/2.8 AFD


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A modified TC-E (AFS) converter won't AF with a 'screwdriver' lens. Most of us seem to end up with the Kenko Pro 1.4x and 2x. The 1.4x AFs nicely with that lens on an F100. The 2x gets a little 'hunty' with the same gear, but it works if you have good light and contrasty targets. I have not tried the Kenko on the N80, so I can't comment about the degree of AF performance there.
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I have been using the Kenko Pro 1.4x and 2x TCs extensively with my 80-200/2.8 on a F100. The Kenko TCs are very good concerning image quality an compatibility (full functionality with either AF-S lenses and MF lenses). <br>Autofocus speed is a bit slower with the TCs compared to the F100 alone but nothing to be too worried about (if you need the ultimate autofocus speed, buy an AF-S).<p>

Now you have an N80: I was able to test a D100 (which has the AF of the N80) and it works as well with the Kenkos and my other lenses as they work on the F100... with the exception of autofocus speed. AF speed with a D100/N80, 2x TC and the 80-200/2.8 AFD is on the slow side and prone to hunting (even more than when used with the F100). <br>If you need fast AF with TCs I think you have to switch to AF-s. Otherwise you have a nice solution.


A little advice: TEST the TCs you are going to buy with YOUR lenses and at least an AF-S lens to see whether AF really works. I read comments of people having trouble getting their AF-S lenses to AF with one Kenke TC but it worked with another.. so test it.<p>

Hope this helps somewhat<p>


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