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my Leica worth every monent ! with my SON !


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The composition and natural lighting in this shot are much better than in the

last two images that you posted. Just keep working at it.


And do remember that photographs of YOUR children should be just as

compelling as photographs of OTHER PEOPLE'S children. In other words, try

to imagine how interesting your photographs would be to other people who

don't know (and love) your children.


One great way to develop your abilities to do child photography is do learn to

make great photos of other people's children. You might start with children of

friends and family but the ultimate challenge is to be able to make personality

revealing photos of total strangers.<div>006Wv3-15330884.jpg.c7530a5eaa14d536be4ff14fc827f90d.jpg</div>

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Cute kid... Nice car.. I know your license plate number now for your Camry..<P>

Like it's been said above and in your previous post, you could improve your photos quite a bit simply by paying close attention to the background. I suspect the view of your child distracted you from all the other elements in the photo.<P>Henri Cartier Bresson supposedly shot with an attachment that rendered the scene upside-down. I don't know if this is true, but the point is well-taken: Good compositions can be ruined by distracting elements.

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One more point: Ralph Gibson has been quoted as saying <I>"The rangefinder enables one to see what�s outside of the frame as well as what�s inside of the frame. You make a decision predicated on the presence and/or the absence of various aspects of the subject. With a reflex, the camera determines what is seen, and half the time it's out of focus."</I><P>

I believe his point is that when one views through an RF, all elements appear "in focus" whether you're shooting at f2 or f16, including elements outside the framelines, and therefore one is more able to see what will and will not be in the photo. With an SLR, however, only those elements on which the lens is focused are clear since the scene is viewed through the lens at its widest aperture, while the rest of the elements are thrown out of focus in the viewfinder, unless one uses the DOF preview button extensively.

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