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BW nudes


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I think you need to turn up the thermostat in your studio; that poor model is obviously freezing! B)


Aside from the gooseflesh, though, the lighting might be a little hard -- depends on what you're trying to do. If you're just after emphasizing the gooseflesh, you've hit it. If you're after something more related to the female figure, you might need to soften the focus a little, use a fill light, and/or give the model a big cup of hot cocoa...

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These pictures were to be "non-erotic". We did it on 35 mm colour (bw in PS) just to set the lights before the session for a calendar. I must say that this what we did the next day was much better (but we have worked for 12 hours).

I will send photos with pleasure after scanning the negs.



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I like your ideas and definitely think they have potential. I completed a series of abstract semi-nudes earlier this year and, while only one of them would make someone look twice by itself, arranging the three together in a matted frame made the series dramatic - it definitely attracts that second-glance reaction. Maybe something like that would work with these three? I'd love to see what else you've worked on with the model - the subtlety of the compositions is really very nice.


But yeah, warm up the room a bit man :) Minor goosebumps definitely add a texture that accentuates black and white nude portraits like these, but they're so defined I'm inclined to put a coat on just looking! I just think they're too distracting from the good lines and nice lighting you've captured.


Keep up the good work - and the thermostat.



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