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Travel to Assisi, Italy, in October


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I'll be travelling to Assisi in 10 days. I'm going with a group

looking at all the great Franciscan churches there. I'm thinking

about what photo equipment to take with me (I admit its fun to think

about this!)

Right now I'm prepared to bring 2 Canon bodies (eos3 and eos100),

50/1.8, 19-35/3.5, 28-50/2.8 and my beloved 75-300/4-5.6 IS, tripod,

flash. Then there are times where I think I won't have time to use

all the stuff - so it might be sufficient to bring my little P/S.

Because I want to use my pictures for a slide-presentation

afterwards, I'm planning to get 100s and 400s Sensia films. I used

the Sensia 100 a lot and like it - but I never tried the 400s. Have

you any experience with that?

What will the weather be like in the middle of October in Assisi?

I've never been there before.

I'd really appreciate your comments about my plans.


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My only concern is that you may not have a wide enough lens for

the vast interiors of some of those churches. My favorite lens is

the Canon 17-35mm (now replaced with the 16-35mm). I think

you'll find you'll need something wider than 28mm. A 81 series

warming filters may come in handy too.

Have fun!

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Johannes, Assisi is a beautiful little town, but full of tourists. Try to walk a little bit off the main roads!


Do you know that in Italy it is in most cases not allowed to take pictures in a church? Especially in the most famous ones. In some it is allowed if you don't use tripod and / or flash (so bring enough 400 film! I don't like Sensia 400 (100 is great), maybe you should try Provia 400F), and in some you have to pay if you want to take pictures. Unfortunately I forgot about the churches in Assisi, but in the most famous one it is not allowed. Maybe here is somebody who knows more?!


Much fun in Italy!


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Hello Johannes

With regard to weather, you are likely to find mild temperature (20° C or so), keep a jacket at hand just in case it rains. Italy will switch from Daylight saving time to standard time on October 26th, hence you still have long sunny days at mid-october (perhaps you already know that, I understand you are German, standard/daylight time changes are the same in all Europe). With regard to photographing churches, Sabrina is right: most of the Italian churches and museums do not allow taking pictures with flash and tripod, sometimes not even with hand-held cameras. I can't say whether this is actually enforced in Assisi: there is not a general rule, you had better check case by case when you are on site and see what other tourists actually do. I would suggest you to keep a "low profile" (i.e. entering churches with one camera and one lens - the widest you have -, hide the camera under your jacket, no flash and no tripod, 400 ISO film) and shoot anyway. Should someone question you, just kindly answer something like "excuse me, I did not know, I am a tourist, I don't understand Italian" etc. - perhaps they will prevent you from taking further photos, but no one will ever seize the roll. Just try to be polite, I'm sure you'll have no trouble.

Enjoy your trip!

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<p>Hi Johannes</p>

<p>What people wrote before is generally correct.<br>

I also guess you could find useful a lens like 16-35 or similar, anyway travel

light: you will have to go up and down a lot.<br>

Assisi is on a hill, so take a confortable pair of shoes for walking around

those little streets.<br>

I don't think that "low profile" can work: entering the churches you can find

big sized warnings with even idiot-proof images, who warn you not to take pics,

not to eat, not to talk loud, not to smoke, not to bring pets inside, not to


Of course, nobody will put you in jail or steal your roll if you are caught, but

they don't like at all such <i>smart</i> people. Anyway, it's just a matter of

respect of rules: we are in their house, so...<br>

The last thing, I think that temperature will be colder than 20°C, surely in the


<p>Enjoy your trip and taste food and wine. Don't miss the surroundings too, if you can

(Perugia, Spello, Bevagna)</p>

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  • 3 weeks later...

I just returned from Assisi and would like to let you know of my experiences:

Our group had guides - franciscan brothers and sisters - who showed us the artwork in the famouns churches: San Francesco, Santa Chiara, San Damiano. I found those people most inspiring.

Yes, in the famous churches it is not allowed to take pictures. There are always people custodians walking around watching people. I watched a man just looking through his camere - within seconds a person came up and told him not to take pictures. Well, they sell slides of all the artwork - so there is no immediate need to take pictures for yourself. Besides, I guess, flash would be quite harmful to those old paintings.

We have been to Bevagna, to Spello und Spoleto - it is an experience to walk on those ancinent stones! In the less known churches you are allowed to take pictures - just without flash.

However - the best thing is to visit these places for yourself.


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