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Leica photography?


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Don't get me wrong (just discovered this place on photo.net), but

what is this forum about? I find these two words together, "Leica"

and "photography", somewhat confusing... It is about photography (as

art), or about the camera gear (as it's for eg. "Nikon" forum,

"Pentax", etc)? If I don't have a Leica brand camera, then I should

not post on this forum?



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Hey Alexandru,


I don't own any Leica gear, and yet I read this forum every day. The fact is, Leica shooters are a different bunch, shoot differently and different subjects, and behave differently than most other Nikon/Canon/Pentax photographers. That's why I hang out here.


I might never be able to afford a M, but to compensate, these days I shoot with my N80 using only small primes, barely looking through the viewfinder trying to convince myself that my 35mm f/2 AF is just as good as a Summicron and my N80 as silent as a M7.


That's what it's all about...


I think.

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It's a place mostly catering to people using 35mm rangefinder cameras as exemplified by Leica, but also the Minolta, Konica and Voigtlander Bessa cameras sharing the lensmount. Also included are the older Leica thread mount cameras, the Russian and eastern European clones like the Fed and Zorki, and the old Japanese thread mount rangefinder cameras by Canon, Minolta, Yashica and Nicca. Occasionally classic Contax and Nikon rangefinder cameras are discussed. I guess mostly because they share the name Leica the Leicaflex and Leica R SLR cameras show up, as do the assorted Panasonic made little Leica digitals.


As much as anything, I think, is that most of us shoot in a journalistic style using rangefinder cameras. A lot of us still shoot, develop and print using conventional B&W film.

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Alexandru, I understand your confusion, especially if you have looked at the Nikon, Canon or other forums. This is a Leica discussion forum inhabited by mostly broad minded people, so often discussions go beyond the banal comparisons of lenses and camera bodies to aesthetic questions and photo critique.
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It started as a mostly Leica gear oriented forum. Now it's almost anything more or less oriented toward photography. Maybe it has to do with the fact there is not much to say about Leica cameras, at least the rangefinders: Very few controls, old technology, ... Another possible reason is most Leica owner are NUTS (myself included).


In threads where people post pictures - Words, NW (no words) - many of them are not made with Leica, and nobody cares. If you feel like posting here, go ahead. Welcome to the asylum.

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For the past 8 years I have been shooting Polaroid peel apart film.

( http://www.ethansprague.com )

I do not own a Leica. When I have tons of extra money I might buy one, but until then,

I read the posts here because there are some really bright people in here, and one

can learn quite a lot by reading the threads. Sometimes I post my own pictures as

well. Noone seems to mind at all. I was looking for a "crappy" lens, and a guy in the

Nikon Forum shiped it to me for free! (the lens AND the shipping)....

My 2 cents

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Please post your photos here. I looked through your folders and was impressed needless to say. There are quite a few photos posted here taken without a Leica and are appreciated. Especially if the style somewhat jives with the notion of what Leica photography is about- perhaps in the documentary genre with natural lighting.
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Alex, please stay. You have very nice photographs on your photo.net page and on your websites. You could show us a thing or two about vision. Even if you didn't have photographs, so what, this is a bunch of good crazy people who like to talk about anything.


What's nice about this group is that you can discuss photographs instead of just gear. Even the gear talk can get bizarre as you might have noticed. The gear talk is all noise after a while, something tangible to hang onto in the insanity of this world that is our own making.

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The forum is a state of mind where the sum is much greater than the parts (lens, cases, filters, film, ergonomics, etc.). You can get advice here (mostly good), pats on the back, and occasional kicks in the ... You will rapidly become familiar with the personalities of the frequent posters and be able to calibrate them. I personally consider this forum to be a source of great pleasure.
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Stick around, Alexandru, and by all means post some of your work on this forum. You have a fine eye and I'm sure your photos would be welcome. Perhaps after a while you'll even buy a Leica and join the fray re. rangefinder flare and black vs. chrome cameras. There's something here for everyone. Welcome to the club.
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I've met some great friends here. I've met for coffee with a couple of them when they were in the Miami, Florida area, and should be getting together with another in 2 weeks. I've bought, sold and traded equipment with other Leica forum members. I regularly correspond with a member who lives in Pakistan, although we talk more fishing than photography. It's a world wide community.
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Welcome! This forum is about anything in which Leica owners have a mutual interest - even, sometimes, photography! However, this covers a very broad spectrum, of which Leica owners do not have a monopoly, therefore anyone is welcome. Besides, misery loves company! ;-)
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Hi Alexandru,


Just wondering, where are you from? I'm from NYC, the get ripped off while trying to buy a camera capital of the world. I also have no Leica, but I intend to in the not so distant future...probably an M7. I'm starting out with a Bessa T until I learn the fundementals. I should be a pro by the time I get a Leica. I wouldn't consider hanging out on any other forum, e.g. Nikon, Canon etc... IMHO there is a Leica mystique, if not with the camera, then at least with the people who use them. Some say Leica users are snooty and material-minded. I'd say those comparisons are better suited for Rolex watch wearers. A Leica is a brilliant, artistic tool. Owning one will make you sleep better at night. Okay, o.k. just kidding. But, there are a friendly bunch of people around here. They offer great critiques and solutions to problems. I'm glad to be here. You will be too.<div>006O2R-15097484.jpg.d018df4042922638e0b859d3af335935.jpg</div>

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