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Famous patch flare on a NIB M7 this time


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I took deliver of that 'infamous' M7 today - and it has a patch

flare galore!


I mounted a 50mm lens and when the light hits about 45 degrees angle

the opposite side of the patch turns fuzzy and kind of doubles! For

some reason it is much more announced when the light is coming from

the left. Serial # is 28841xx and it has a 0.85 vf.


How the hell is this possible on a brand new camera!?!?


Still it is brand new and the seller (US based) wants $1,600...

Perhaps worth an "upgrade" but am I correct to understand that the

upgrade is not the same as getting one of the late serial # M7s and

MPs, which has a slightly different VF?



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I'm not experienced with the dreaded rangepatch flare but at the EXPO in NYC over the weekend I looked thru a new MP and saw what I guessed would be called flare. It was indoors and I found focusing to be impossible since there was no image in the patch. My M2 has a much, much better view/rangefinder. It is amazing how Leica still can't solve the problem. Can't they just talk apart an old M2/3/4 viewfinder and figure it out?
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It is not fully clear when the upgrade in the M7 was done. According to "Leica Courier" it occurred at # 2885000, just a little higher than the camera you have. Maybe that's why it was so cheap. Both my M6s from 1985 and 1987 flared hugely and now are both flare free with the addition of the condensor lens in the finder. Apparantly the first fix for the M7 was some further coating of the finder. I tried two M7s of that vintage and both were quite bad. I'm still not totally sure that serial number above is when the new condensor lens was put into the finder. But the documentation above is all I have seen.
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Is this an exclusive problem of the M7? At times my M6TTL has a weird lighting right on the patch and I have to move the camera to make focusing posible (meaning, make a panning motion, focus on something else). It's happened only a few times, not enough to make me too concerned... at least, not over the light leak it still has.


Sorry about your dissapointing experience, Patrick. I feel your pain...

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FWIW I shot a Barmitzvah this last weekend and I had alot of flare problems in

the room I was in. No moving of my eye got rid of it as I think there were too

many sources from both windows and hot spot lights from the DJ. And of

course I completely forgot I had 2 of Lutzs' patchs in my bag to stick on. They

may have helped but a forgot I had them. It would have been the ultimate test

for a new MP vs the dreaded flare.

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Yes, I remember Marc's comments, but I had no idea that it was this bad. Under an extreme situation when I held it up against a rather unflattered ceiling light here in the office (perhaps not a realistic every day photographic situation) it complete whited-out and it was impossible to focus/see through it.


All this from a company with 50+ years experience of making rangefinders and that are selling this product for over $2,500 to unsuspecting consumers.


I was prepared that there might be some issues but I had no idea that it was this bad. By far the worst of the 2 M3s and 3 M6 TTLs I've owned (one of them was a 0.85 and it wasn't anywhere near this bad).

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The .085 in question had a serial Number under the so called switch over point. The

.072 I got had a serial number over the switch over. I used it this weekend in horrible

spotlight conditions at the end of the NY Marathon (meeting my wife at the family

gathering section at dusk). Zero flare.

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Hi Patrick, I am on the road at this moment so I can't answer your question in detail. I have gone thru what you've just been thru, and it seems like you should pick up the "Chrome" body instead of the black ones. My new 0.72 chrome which is traveling with me at this moment has no flare - can't induce it. Don't ask me why but it's true.


Sorry, but have to hurry along...good luck.


from Hong Kong.

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John et al,

I've tried the M3 road and as much as I liked that VF, I really prefer the build in meter for my type of photography, ergo everything earlier than M6 is out the window. And also, after some reflecting I realize that I prefer having doing the aperture priority shooting with a fully manual option.





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My MP is a 0.85. Zero flare.


It is what I tested the 2 new M7s against when I got them. The M7 0.72 performed

identical to the MP 0.85. The M7 0.85 did not. Again, the M7 0.85's serial number

was under the switch over number. I sent it back to get what I paid for. I have yet to

receive the replacement for it...and I have a *@#@* wedding this weekend.

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Marc, if what I was told today by Leica NJ that there are no parts available in the US at this time, I'm afraid you won't get your .85 M7 back anytime soon. You might want to give them a call tomorrow...


Francisco, MP is a great camera, but I would prefer a M7 w/ the AE function.



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Patrick, I think the answer to your question about whether getting the M7 upgraded depends on whether they started coating all the finder windows and other glass from the beginning, or only began that at the same time as they began the upgrade. What I'm saying is that to get the full benefit of all improvements, you need both the improved finder assembly, and the coated windows, which is a thing they only began recently, with the M7 and MP.


I think the flare gets worse as magnification increases. I can see it with my .72 M6, but not in my .58. I think it's at its worst with the 0.85.


So, who knows whether they started coating the windows from the first M?

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The MP does not flare. The bright frame outlines as well as the center patch is dimmer. Looking at the viewfinder from the front as well as from the back of the eyepiece, one can distinctive tell there's a bluish coating. My M6 flares and in the right angle from a light source, the center flare results in total whiteout. The MP regardless of how I tried to recreate the condition, it just does not flare. I think its worth the upgrade because I've had flare instances that I missed the "decisive moment" .
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