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Images from 300D


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Just to check with fellow EOS 300D users:<br>

Does your Photoshop opens up nicely exposed images from your 300D? I

shoot in the 300D default setting Parameter 1. Images looks properly

exposed on the camera LCD and the histogram looks good. But once I

download it to my computer and open them up with Photoshop, the

images are grossly underexposed and I've brighten them up.<br>

Am I missing something?

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As I understand it, Photoshop attempts to compensate for the monitor, and displays the pictures "correctly." It determines how much compensation by reading the monitor ICC (color profile). If your color profile is off, then Photoshop will compensate incorrectly.


This wouldn't affect a web browswer, since they wouldn't attempt to compensate for the image (incorrectly or otherwise).


One way to test may be to open up the file in Photoshop, and under View (I believe), uncheck Proof Colors. This should turn off Photoshop's attempt to compensate for the monitor. If the colors come out correctly, then that means your monitor ICC profile is off, and you should recalibrate your monitor to create a new ICC (using Adobe Gamma, at the very least).

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Couple of quick thoughts:


Are you decoding raw files in to 16bit TIFFs with the linear option? If so this would explain your problem exactly.


Do the histograms look the same in Photoshop as they do on the Camera LCD?


What happens if you open the images with a program other than Photoshop? If they appear fine then there is a problem with your PS settings. Do other images look fine in PS?

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